DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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Junior Audioholic
Rockets are a good speaker to me that haven't disappointed whatsoever for the money spent. The tweeter is made by vifa and seems to be well implemented. They are heavy, well built, and sound great. I couldn't fathom being happier with the money I spent on a different product. I obviously wouldn't buy at this point in time with all thats going on with, but I absolutely do not regret the purchase. Rockets are what put on the map to begin with and there is a reason the company "appeared" or "was" once successful.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Which isn't necessarily that good of a thing, I think I disagree with plain aluminum drivers from a physical properties POV.
Hey Nick,
I know I've already quoted you a couple times. Sorry, I honestly am not trying to tear you down. So, please forgive me. But, Is there a reason why you do not like aluminum drivers? These particular drivers are custom drivers so it is difficult to compare to another driver, IMO. I've found that it is somewhat of a myth to say that a certain type of driver is going to sound a certain way. It's really all about speaker design. I kinda of touched on this from an earlier post, but you really need to look at the whole design of the speaker. The cabinet, the internal volume can really effect the sound. Of course the driver, but you couple that with the cabinet and crossover network among other things, and it can make a significant difference.


Full Audioholic
Hey Nick,
I know I've already quoted you a couple times. Sorry, I honestly am not trying to tear you down. So, please forgive me. But, Is there a reason why you do not like aluminum drivers? These particular drivers are custom drivers so it is difficult to compare to another driver, IMO. I've found that it is somewhat of a myth to say that a certain type of driver is going to sound a certain way. It's really all about speaker design. I kinda of touched on this from an earlier post, but you really need to look at the whole design of the speaker. The cabinet, the internal volume can really effect the sound. Of course the driver, but you couple that with the cabinet and crossover network among other things, and it can make a significant difference.
Aluminum drivers have resonance and damping problems.


Full Audioholic
Hey Nick,
Just curious. What speakers do you have?
Infinity Intermezzo 4.1t, 2.6p, 1.2s and 3.5c are my main system. I've also got 5 Ascend HTM200SEs and a Hsu VTF-1 in my computer room. And B&W 602 S3s in my bedroom (and the three other B&Ws that complete a 5.0 system sitting in a closet).

Currently planning on selling the B&Ws and putting together a more serious 2 channel system for the bedroom, and as soon as I move in a couple weeks I'm going to want something for the upstairs living room since the Infinitys will be in the basement HT. Currently thinking about a Yamaha YSP-4000 or maybe something from Orb Audio or Anthony Gallos little speaker lines.


You own Ascend, why not the Sierra-1? It's not that big! I have not heard the Sierra-1 but I bet it's one amazing little bookshelf. Lets hope Ascend picks up the av123 business as they are the most deserved id speaker outfit of the lot. They just really need a web face-lift and expanded speaker line with some performance reference towers.

NicolasKL I'm also interested on what you think of those HTM200s.

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Audioholic Field Marshall
Hey Nick,
I understand what you're saying about how certain drivers have certain characteristics, in this case aluminum. They all have pros and cons to them. My point, however,is that since we are are talking about a custom driver, it's hard to really know much about the end product unless we were to visit the manufacturing facility. There are ways of treating the type of material to compensate for what deficiencies that type of material may have. Personally, I really don't care what technique they use, as long as the end result is a good one, meaning a good sounding speaker.


I'd also like to throw in there that Ascend is the only outfit I've ever seen to publish REAL specs on their speakers. They measure to 10dB/division scale without 1/3 smoothing. They also publish FULL Horizontal & Vertical Off-Axis + Listening Window @ 1 meter Unsmoothed readings! Can you imagine what those graphs would look like with another unsaid id speaker company's flagship center! LOL


PS I can't believe Gene's statement about the HTM200se vers the Emo ERM-1 a while back...



Yeah I guess that's what happens when you badmouth a product... Normal reaction, I'm sure anyone reading anything like that about their products would have had trouble resisting the urge to reply. But a very fair response imho. There was never any reply by Gene it seems.

Anyhow, quite unrelated to the subject at hand...

Btw, Sierras might not be that big, but it's quite larger than HTMs, almost 2x the internal volume, also it's rear ported, HTMs sealed, so placement wise the HTMs are more flexible. And did I mention the HTMs are much smaller? Sierras also weigh twice as much... Oh, and they cost three times as much... Also, I really wouldn't describe the Sierras as little, they're definitely not small, imho, maybe even leaning on the big side of bookshelves...
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i bought some rockets a couple of years ago when everything was peachy and i couldn't be happier with them. i haven't really kept up with the company since them. now i'm in the market for a couple of subs and i headed straight over there with the intention of buying. not any more...glad i saw this thread.


Full Audioholic
You own Ascend, why not the Sierra-1? It's not that big! I have not heard the Sierra-1 but I bet it's one amazing little bookshelf. Lets hope Ascend picks up the av123 business as they are the most deserved id speaker outfit of the lot. They just really need a web face-lift and expanded speaker line with some performance reference towers.

NicolasKL I'm also interested on what you think of those HTM200s.

It isn't that big, but it's still really too big for my computer. Anything even an inch taller than the HTM and I wouldn't be able to fit them on my computer desk the way I want. I could put them in different places (and I used to, when I had X-LS), but I don't want to.

Plus, this is my computer. I use it to listen to MP3s and play videogames, I think the $1400 or so that I spent on the 5.1 system was plenty and definitely don't feel that I needed to spend another 900 on Sierras. :)


Audioholic Chief
back to something more relative to the topic....

Most of you have heard about the fire out here in the Los Angeles area. Apparently, there are been many "false" charities set up claiming to help victims. Makes me think about MLS and cringe.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Infinity Intermezzo 4.1t, 2.6p, 1.2s and 3.5c are my main system. I've also got 5 Ascend HTM200SEs and a Hsu VTF-1 in my computer room. And B&W 602 S3s in my bedroom (and the three other B&Ws that complete a 5.0 system sitting in a closet).

Currently planning on selling the B&Ws and putting together a more serious 2 channel system for the bedroom, and as soon as I move in a couple weeks I'm going to want something for the upstairs living room since the Infinitys will be in the basement HT. Currently thinking about a Yamaha YSP-4000 or maybe something from Orb Audio or Anthony Gallos little speaker lines.
Hey Nick,
Those are some nice systems you've put together there. Any reason why you're considering selling the B&W's? Don't need 5 speakers for that setup?

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Which isn't necessarily that good of a thing, I think I disagree with plain aluminum drivers from a physical properties POV.
Yes, but are they pure aluminum, composites, treated, alloyed, all the above, etc. Careful measurements at different levels might help to determine if there are signficant problems.

back to something more relative to the topic....

Most of you have heard about the fire out here in the Los Angeles area. Apparently, there are been many "false" charities set up claiming to help victims. Makes me think about MLS and cringe.
I'd like to see a cancelled check or credit card statement to back up the sundry donations that've been made going back to Katrina.

It is said his charm is so mesmerizing that he once put a convention of hypnotists into a trance that took 48 hours to come out of. He once sold a product that not only was in stock, but arrived undamaged. He doesn't mind people posting negative things...of others. He is the most interesting man in the world. "I don't always donate to charities, but when I do, they're the ones I started." Stay thirsty my friends.


I'd like to see a cancelled check or credit card statement to back up the sundry donations that've been made going back to Katrina.
I find this an interesting comment. If you in fact had such documentation and it could help restore some large portion of people's confidence in your integrity, wouldn't you make it as public as possible?

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I find this an interesting comment. If you in fact had such documentation and it could help restore some large portion of people's confidence in your integrity, wouldn't you make it as public as possible?
Well, yes and no. Let's say you've got a bona-fide donation and it checks out to a reasonable certaintude with what's been posted over at AV123. I would expect, reasonably I think, that the donation to have been made on behalf of AV123. If it was made on behalf of MLS himself, his wife, or step-daughter, then that means he also used the donation to offset personal tax liabiilities. Now, this might not matter to some, but I don't expect the individuals of a company to profit from the kindness of others.

Further, at this point in time, anything you put up as a picture indicating what you've contributed is going to cause additional scrutiny by people. Like me. If it's fake, that could be subsequently used by agencies as Exhibit XYZ.

For a man who loves showing pictures of his dogs, of production in Colombia, etc., what great PR, and justifiably so, of him handing over a check to a Red Cross official in the state of Colorado, as well as the sundry other raffles he has run.

Oh, I also want to see doctor's notes.


Full Audioholic
Well, yes and no. Let's say you've got a bona-fide donation and it checks out to a reasonable certaintude with what's been posted over at AV123. I would expect, reasonably I think, that the donation to have been made on behalf of AV123. If it was made on behalf of MLS himself, his wife, or step-daughter, then that means he also used the donation to offset personal tax liabiilities. Now, this might not matter to some, but I don't expect the individuals of a company to profit from the kindness of others.

If he is receiving the $ to a personal account and taking a tax deduction, he better be taking the "donations" into income. The donations were made through Paypal, correct? I would have to look to see what the paypal account address was but I was thinking at the time, it was Mark's email address. Anyone remember?


Audioholic Ninja
It is said his charm is so mesmerizing that he once put a convention of hypnotists into a trance that took 48 hours to come out of. He once sold a product that not only was in stock, but arrived undamaged. He doesn't mind people posting negative things...of others. He is the most interesting man in the world. "I don't always donate to charities, but when I do, they're the ones I started." Stay thirsty my friends.
He once had an awkward moment, just to see what it was like. ;)
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