So long as you have Dane, Larry, and Cheese Whiz posting, it's all good. Good post by Quad! Now, will he be banned?
So far, no. I suspect that he got an email or two though, asking him why he was so inconsiderate as to make such an unreasonably negative post when they are just trying to do their best. After all, we all know that you're supposed to call or email if you have concerns - the forum is there only for praise.
Oh, wait -
maybe that policy would explain why there's so little activity in their forum! There's plenty of concerns (concerns about ongoing sub amp failures, concerns about the honesty of their "made in USA" claims, concerns about a dwindling product line, concerns about the
real ETA for upcoming speakers that have been promised in the last six weeks or so, concerns about unpaid refunds, concerns about stolen raffle money, concerns about who the hell "TADG" actually is, concerns about the management team and felony indictments, concerns about censorship in their forum) that can't be posted, but not much to praise (pretty computer renderings that may never turn into real products, a few pictures of raw cabinet prototypes that may never turn into real products, and a remarkably thorough effort to discontinue as many product lines as possible without actually admitting it) that can generate posts anywhere except the classifieds.
Maybe their own actions - both in lying to and stealing from their customers, and in manipulating their forum to try to suppress knowledge of those activities - have led to the current state of their forum!
In other breaking news, I must report with some surprise that the sky is blue, the sun rises in the east, gravity makes things fall at 9.8m/s^2 when you drop them, and Mark only lies when his lips are moving or his fingers are typing...