In the thread, RSL II info? (, the following people besides Chris posted that sounded like they might also be beta testers.
In the thread RSL II Beta Update ( started by good old Humbly Bumbly himself, it seemed that the following folks were either mentioned as being on the list or it seemed that they were. BTW, it's interesting that a post there by an AudioFanKJ makes that the new bulletin board no longer pulls up the term RSL II! Must be a feature, huh? MLS also says that they've got an RSL II in Colorado, but I've spoken with people that were there then and they said there was never an RSL there. He also said he was in two weeks in St. Maartens working on his tan although we don't know if he went with his wife or one of his bimbos.
AudioFanKJ (sent his check in on 11/6/06!!!)
Now what I found of particular interest was the last page of the thread above when the following posts were made.
Jim Harris said:
But, Mark you promoted this speaker more than a year ago on this AV123 site that resulted in the more than patient Beta testers (if you recall you personally met three of us at the Houston GTG last summer). Therefore, I reason that this site is still an appropriate venue for in-progress information.
Raphael said:
Not necessarily true. This site was a means of introduction of his new company, since Mark has established his loyal customers and believers here. Think of it as as product promoting.
Jim Harris said:
Hum, a written bill of sale from AV123 (made by Sean) does not qualify this thread?
If I'm reading that correctly, this isn't just Mark Schifter that can be gone after. It's AV451 too!
So again people, if any of you know where the above folks are, give them a heads-up about the whole cancelled check thing and give them some damned hope! Also, does anyone know, or did Craig Chase ever say if he received his money back and if so when? This keeping stuff quiet and not sharing information is counter-productive. It's the way Shifty operates when he wants to talk to you instead of something coming out on open forum. It's part of his divide and conquer approach wherebye he keeps people in the dark.
Also, who is this person
Chris that MLS refers to with respect to the Act 3 website from time to time?
I tell you, what I wouldn't give to be able to talk to Basom King and Arnie Nudell.