DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I haven't read your link JoshKo, but I'd made a post there yesterday and had it deleted. I was informed that I cannot post anything regarding Mark because I'm neither an owner of a product nor have I participated in the raffles. And, FWIW, my post asked the question of whether it had been verified that Mark had a bypass or just stents. The most peculiar thing I found was that in a thread about Mark being indicted, CC managed to also interject that it was about him too because some folks at AVS were constantly linking him to the raffles.


Senior Audioholic
Well, to be fair, TCA did have a fairly long run of it.
I wasn't intending to pick on TCA with my post. Craig did allow a discussion for quite a while which is more than many others did.


Senior Audioholic
I haven't read your link JoshKo, but I'd made a post there yesterday and had it deleted. I was informed that I cannot post anything regarding Mark because I'm neither an owner of a product nor have I participated in the raffles.
FWIW, it seemed like a valid and relevant question to me regardless of your participation or ownership.


I haven't read your link JoshKo, but I'd made a post there yesterday and had it deleted. I was informed that I cannot post anything regarding Mark because I'm neither an owner of a product nor have I participated in the raffles. And, FWIW, my post asked the question of whether it had been verified that Mark had a bypass or just stents. The most peculiar thing I found was that in a thread about Mark being indicted, CC managed to also interject that it was about him too because some folks at AVS were constantly linking him to the raffles.
I saw that post by CC as well but haven't seen any post recently on AVS making that claim?

On another note, I hope Kyle is actively looking for another job.


Full Audioholic
Well Tex,

I just noticed your thread over at 123 is now gone.
I noticed some posts in that thread from a recently-joined forum member who had no idea what was going on and asked why nobody warned her. Talk about a textbook example of the individuals that I feared were being sucked in by Mark's marketing charm in the heavily-moderated safety of his own forum. I wonder if she is starting to see why she had no warning - the warnings got deleted, members got banned, and eventually nobody wasted the effort trying to warn people at AV123. Tex doesn't seem to be banned, though. (At least not yet...)
The thread was reopened 3 minutes ago....interesting. Limits were put on who can post as well.
I can't decide what I think about this. On the one hand, Craig certainly ended up with a lot of negative chatter on his forum because of Mark and AV123, which had to be irritating for someone trying to get a new company off the ground - hosting all that negativity had to be frustrating. On the other hand, limiting the discussion to people who contributed to raffles is a curious decision. Why not simply ask people to keep the discussion civil?


Senior Audioholic
I noticed some posts in that thread from a recently-joined forum member who had no idea what was going on and asked why nobody warned her. Talk about a textbook example of the individuals that I feared were being sucked in by Mark's marketing charm in the heavily-moderated safety of his own forum. I wonder if she is starting to see why she had no warning - the warnings got deleted, members got banned, and eventually nobody wasted the effort trying to warn people at AV123. Tex doesn't seem to be banned, though. (At least not yet...)
I saw that too. She must not have realized she was left there with only the people still drinking the Kool-Aid. I wonder if the Kool-Aid drinkers who were there propping up the forum and MLS will step up and take care of any issues she, and everyone else they helped MLS snow job, has with their new products?


"live" chat Sunday in reference to av123...

You are welcome to go any time and log in but I was hoping to try and get as many people involved as an open discussion in reference to the latest news with AV123. I have made many, many friends on this site and do not want to lose contact. If Mark did anything good, it was to create a family atmosphere.

Go to and's free and it was created in case this site was closed, and it looks like it will be any day...

There is a chatbox at the top where I would like to have a "live" group discussion where everyone can say their piece....anything that's on your mind....but I will be moderating and stopping any foul language. If anyone would like to be a moderator please register and send me a pm....

I would like to start this Sunday at 7:00 CT. This will give everyone a change to settle in and log in...

Take care and hope to see you there,

Robert "mobileusa" Meeks


One thing I'm confused about. Sean was told that his court date was postponed because of "surgery of the president" etc. Yet, what a day or two later, MLS was taken to jail?

Who's lying to whom?


wow Grant, I didn't even realize this thread was here. Man I am sorry you had to deal with all this. I had no idea....


Junior Audioholic
I noticed some posts in that thread from a recently-joined forum member who had no idea what was going on and asked why nobody warned her. Talk about a textbook example of the individuals that I feared were being sucked in by Mark's marketing charm in the heavily-moderated safety of his own forum. I wonder if she is starting to see why she had no warning - the warnings got deleted, members got banned, and eventually nobody wasted the effort trying to warn people at AV123. (At least not yet...)
That fits right in with this poor guy looking to buy a UFW or $300 store credit.


Senior Audioholic
One thing I'm confused about. Sean was told that his court date was postponed because of "surgery of the president" etc. Yet, what a day or two later, MLS was taken to jail?

Who's lying to whom?
The indictment was issued Thursday which means MLS/AV123 was likely in court on Wednesday and thus AV123 couldn't be in another court that day for Sean's case.


Full Audioholic
One thing I'm confused about. Sean was told that his court date was postponed because of "surgery of the president" etc. Yet, what a day or two later, MLS was taken to jail?

Who's lying to whom?
Different courts. By all accounts, Mark actually did have heart surgery in the last couple of weeks, and AV123 was able to delay their small claims hearing based on that. The Colorado AG took criminal charges in front of a grand jury after that small claims hearing was postponed and got an indictment, a process which didn't require Mark to appear (and in fact seems likely to have happened without his knowledge at all). I doubt the AG was interested in delaying his criminal proceedings.


Full Audioholic
The indictment was issued Thursday which means MLS/AV123 was likely in court on Wednesday and thus AV123 couldn't be in another court that day for Sean's case.
Sean's case was scheduled for last Monday, and the postponement cropped up either that day or late in the previous week.


Audioholic Intern
You wonder how MLS could do this kind of stuff. On the forums, he acts like a concerned and generous person...heck, I was at a GTG in Austin back in 2005....he bought lunches and dinners for everyone, but for me, I just could not bring myself to trusting the guy. Others at the event hung on his every word...I just found it odd.
Ahhh, the Austin GTG ... good times! Good to know you're still around and doing well Curtis. For a variety of reasons I've avoided posting about this subject although I have followed this thread like a train wreck I can't look away from.


I admit I'm one of those who first tried the stay silent method when Mark owed me a ton of money, and then went public. It was only when I threatened to sue that he made me any deal at all and traded me AV123 credit for cash. I ended up at about 70% refund after I sold that off. I knew things were rough, but I never imagined it was like this. I feel terrible for anyone still owed anything, especially the charities (and I did participate in several raffles :( ). I admit though... I still love their speakers.


Senior Audioholic
Ahhh, the Austin GTG ... good times! Good to know you're still around and doing well Curtis. For a variety of reasons I've avoided posting about this subject although I have followed this thread like a train wreck I can't look away from.
You don't want to gives us your legal take? Are you still with the AG or DA up there?

BTW- OU sucks! HOOK'EM!!!!!!!
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Hello, I was a Kool-Aid junkie, and I am an addict.

I wish I was joking :( I am sad to report I am a victim of the "bumbly" one, and he owes me money still. I have always kept quiet.....

I hoped he would come through somehow, and I never threatened legal action. I wish I had the chance to redo it all. If there is a legal recourse now or in the future, it appears I will have to get in line.

If anyone "in the know" has any advice on how one might go about getting something, anything, please share with me.

This leaves me devastated as I have borrowed against what was owed and promised me :( :confused: :mad:
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