charlie said:
I'm sure many people will disagree with your weightings for L,C,R, etc.....
My original weightings really penalized high capacitance cables. Gene talked me down some. Also, my original algorithm used a log equation to determine the dimensionless factors. Again Gene talke me down.
Gene said:
The reason why we weighed capacitance so heavily was so that many of the high capacitance, exotic speaker cables would be penalized.
I'm sure that making this statement will make our old friend Mr. Steve Nugent very happy. (For all those new to these boards, Steve Nugent is some bigwig at Empirical Audio, proud makers of $176.5/ft speaker cables.)
warnerwh said:
I'll bet the cat 5 probably sounds like spaghetti and ....
IT sure looks like it. Actually "It feels like warm apple pie."
Really though, they sounded good. I never keep them after I made and tested them. Now Gene wants two pair. This time I'll play them for a while and try and take some voltage and current measurements to fit into the equations below.
warnerwh said:
...the Monster sounds like green slime.
Felt like it though, after finishing the report and knowing how much I paid. But, bear in mind, a 12 foot pair of the CAT5 V5 finished with the GLS locking banana plugs and two layers of techflex, shrink wrap, and plastic dip will cost about $80. Not cheap either. Of couse the bear wire version shown it the picture will cost about $15 (including the GLS plugs).
warnerwh said:
I think you should give us a review of the sound of each of these cables. What good are specs without knowing how they actually sound.
Do you hear that Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability......My name is
While it is possible to indicate an absolute level of sound energy in watts/meter<sup>2</sup> (Intensity), and sound pressure in microbars (Pascals), all practical measurements are comparative. Sound levels and ear response cover such a great range that it is convenient to use a nice dimensionless number (man, I'm getting good at all of these dimensionless numbers, pretty soon I'll understand imaginary numbers too) called the
Power Level in bels = log<sub>10</sub> (
Sound Pressure Level in bels = 2*log<sub>10</sub> (
But nobody has ever heard of a bel, while everyone know decibels.
Power Level in decibels = 10*log<sub>10</sub> (
Sound Pressure Level in decibels = 20*log<sub>10</sub> (
In each of the above equations:
W = watts = I<sup>2</sup> R = E<sup>2</sup>/R
W<sub>0</sub> = reference level = 10<sup>-12</sup> watts/m<sup>2</sup>
P = pressure in microbars
P<sub>0</sub> = reference pressure = 0.0002 microbars
Intensity is directly correlated to Pressure by the relationship
1 x 10<sup>-12</sup>Watts/m<sup>2</sup> = 0.00002 Pascals/Air Density
What we can do with this is equate the measured cable parametrers (specifically resistance) using 10log<sub>10</sub> (
0</sub>) , take into account the speakers efficiency and using very accurate equipment (Wayne Kerr something or other, or any sillyscope) see if there is a difference in the SPL by using 10log<sub>10</sub> (
0</sub>). Or some such nonsense. We can do this because the W is watts and watts is E<sup>2</sup>/R. Obviously R is one of the measured parameters, which we can replace with Z.
So if there is a difference in sound, it is because of R (I hope, or I'll have to admit I'm wrong, which I'll never do). I'll work on the relationships for Inductance and Capacitance later, I'll also get into why power is 10 times the log and SPL is 20 times the log. Right now I got to talk to a man about a horse.