Yeah, Labs and Golden Ret. are in major numbers around here. Sad to say, a lot of them have major health issues, like hips and elbows being bad, etc.
If I ever get another Lab, I'm going to get a "field" type. Taller and leaner than the show type, almost another breed, much more active then most of the ones you see. There's a 125 pound plus one across the street from us, and he comes over once in a while. He's finally being tolerated by my female dog, Molly. King just ignores him, as Molly, even though she's half his size, is totally able to make him miserable by herself. She's boss of the backyard.
My dogs are wall bouncers, and the male, King, is insane around other dogs, especially if he gets lucky and finds a dog that likes to play really rough like he does, then it's amazingly violent. I don't know why, he sleeps like a cat, and doesn't get much exercize, but he can bury most other dogs, stamina wise. He was known as "The Evil Genius" at the puppy training place. He had no use for the treats, the training, all he wanted to do was mess with the other pups. Later on, he liked to go to the "family night" to mess with the other dogs. He's been tossed out of 3 doggy day cares for being too "much", or "too intense". He seems to instantly pick out the leader of the pack, and then proceeds to play all kinds of head games with him. Last time, he got the other dog so angry, he had foam shooting out of his mouth and he about killed himself chasing King, he was really wanting to kill King. By the time he finally caught him, we were out there, and stopped the fight before it really got going. We took King inside, and a few minutes later, he was asleep on the couch, with his head on the owner's kid's lap. He's really great with kids from about 7 and up, it's just other dogs that he's insane with.