Well I specifically asked for something that would work to set the EQ's on my miniDSP. Thanks for the link to REW! So I download REW and use an SPL meter to work with REW?
Sorry, I missed that. It is a long complex thread. However they do go into REW and mini DSP on the mini DSP site. So I can be forgiven for assuming you knew about it.
REW is complicated, and you need to put time in studying it. Yes your spl meter I think will connect to the mic input of a computer, if not it will not work.
This would be much better. An spl. meter is still a good thing to have in your tool kit though.
I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I'm going to give you some friendly advice.
You need to spend more time in research and study.
If you had been one of my students or residents, we would have had a visit in my office after rounds.