To the OP- you posted that the Denon is getting hot- when you did the setup, did you select None for all of the speakers, or large? Is the Denon connected to any speakers?
Get the equalizer out of the signal path if you want to find out if this one has problems and I would also recommend connecting it to a different set of speakers in this attempt. As Mark (TLSguy) posted this receiver shouldn't be connected to these speakers, or any like them. These have a transformer at the input and it's extremely rare for a receiver of any kind to be happy about that- this is the reason he commented that it takes a very robust amplifier to handle these.
I would recommend doing a hard reset to the Denon and start over. Leave the audio as is, assign the inputs after reading the manual and unless you're using tape machines on a regular basis, leave the equalizer out of it. This AVR is quieter than the outboard equalizer and since it's not 1987, receivers don't have multiple tape loops with a dubbing switch- they made the decision to remove these because people stopped using them, so I would say it's time to let it go. Other than the tape inputs/outputs, I don't see anything that the AVR can't do, other than affect 16Hz and 32Hz, which most speakers can't produce, anyway. Subwoofers can do 32HZ, but very few can do anything with 16Hz, other than tear themselves to shreds.
Keep it simple and see if the Denon actually has problems, but don't attempt it with these speakers- they were never designed to be used with a receiver.