Ok, the lines are in and things went smoothly. So as to the results-
There is no noise, so I'd assume that the grounding is proper, it was run back to the panel and tied in there. As I said, we pulled two separate runs of 12 ga Romex.
In terms of objective results, I mentioned that with everything plugged into the 15 amp circuit, my Taiko Drum CD was pulling the voltage down by 2-4 volts on the big bass passages. Now, as one would expect, the voltage remains rock solid at 122V during those same passages.
In terms of subjective results, I don't particularly feel like defending myself against accusations of having audio delusions, as people here tend to make, so I'll not comment.
I will comment that I consider the money well spent, and with two dedicated 20 amp lines, I'll be ready for any changes and upgrades that I might care to make in the years to come and I have my floor lamp outlet back. By taking a systems level view and designing my stereo system as an integrated whole, I now have a sound that will rival any system that I've heard at any price at a total expenditure of less than $8,000 which includes all equipment, acoustic treatments, and these circuits.