Time Window Grill Cloth
Just happend to find this forum and Time Window discussion from a Google search, what a grin. I have owned a pair for, I'm guessing, 30 years, bought them in Ann Arbor, from a friend who had a store retailing them. I think the serials are around 1500 or so. Anyway, before DCM went under I was able to get them rebuilt, still use them everyday as I have never found a pair of speakers that I wanted to replace them with. Started using them with a Rotel amp, (still have it) way back then, then went to a Carver reciever with their "holographic" feature, what a great combo for an unmatched soundstage.
Anyway, I did have to replace the grill cloths, called the company that bought the DCM name, and they pointed me to a Grainger catalog and informed me that the original grill material was essentially air conditioning filter material. I ordered it, and sure enough, it was the exact material as the original. I re-wrapped them, still in use today.
Sadly, my Carver receiver is begining to die. Not to hijack this thread, but anyone know of a good, reputable reapir facilty, hopefully in Michigan, that could do do some reapir work?
BTW, great forum, I've had a look around, got a lot of reading to do!!