It's not that I don't believe in science, I do. It's just that I believe there's more outside of science than there is inside.---It's a limited container. it provides scientific proof, but not absolute proof.
Here's the crux:
I do not believe there is a reality that exists independent from consciousness. And that consciousness, by it's very nature is subjective. (More simply put,
all reality-even a reality which includes and honors science- is subjective) The solidity, validity--- in fact the very existence of objects are all products of subjective consciousness. We can test something against another thing and arrive at some conclusion. We can agree upon that conclusion, incorporate it into out common reality. This process is useful and necessary; we do it every moment and need to to survive and thrive. But I say it's limited.
You see, I do believe in science. It's this additional belief that puts me in the "incredibly small minority (of) civilized people".
This is why I was saying earlier that I think that science has already contributed to this conversation what is has to offer, and if it is to go into new territory, then we need to talk about what exists
outside of science.
At this point, I could take it or leave it (the conversation); My attachment to my own views is not so strong that I need to argue them, but Id be happy to offer them if you though that'd be fun.
And again, I say give the gawddam cords a try.

What have you got to lose besides a belief?