Audioholic Samurai
Unfortunately, it seems as if almost everyone will probably get it sooner or later.I got my 4th shot (2nd booster) in October before I went to visit Swerd and Dennis. Managed to return from a 1200 person concert at the Fillmore without issue. For all four vaccinations it was just a sore shoulder for a day or two.
The bug finally caught up to me though. Felt like I was coming down with a cold on the 11th. Back in November I already had the flu that's making the rounds this winter, so it wasn't that. The cold symptoms progressed quickly so I decided to stay home from the 13th on and the Covid test the next day came back positive. Crap! Fortunately no one at the office caught it when I worked the 12th but I may not have been contagious yet. A dozen of us gather for lunch at a local pub each Friday and I suspect that is where I caught it.
Symptoms were different from the flu. With the flu I had 3 days of alternating fevers and chills. With the fevers I perspired profusely and my clothes and sheets were soaked. Once the fever broke I recovered quickly. The covid virus felt like a bad head cold. The constant swollen sinuses were the worst part. Occasional soreness in the throat and ran a mild fever for several days, but the fever was nothing like the flu. I missed the flu vaccine so I bore the full brunt of that one. Can't imagine how bad Covid would have been had I not been immunized. My nephew in his 30's contacted it last spring and was close to being hospitalized. Our hospitals are currently dealing with full emergency wards and 10 to 12 hour delays just getting people out of ambulances and admitted for triage. Last place I would want to be right now! A week at home lying in bed or on the coach was tolerable.
I was masked at home most of the time and tried to limit myself to two rooms. My wife is retired and was home as well. Despite my constant hand washing and masking she still caught it though. She wasn't wearing a mask and in hindsight probably should have been. My timing was pretty crappy. Our son is back from university and our daughter is flying in from Halifax tomorrow for the first time in a long while. My wife won't be able to celebrate with my side of the family Christmas Eve and it's doubtful she'll be better for her family come Boxing Day. I could handle being home alone for the holidays but it will be rough on her.
This SNL "Ad" is in poor taste, but it is somewhat humorous: