

Audioholic Samurai
He was banned, at least from Twitter. I'm not gonna quote all your articles, but there are a few scientists who are saying push pause on a fourth dose as it may strip away some of the bodies natural ability to fight covid. Some only want to hear one story, when there is obviously more to tell out there.
That's not even close to anything I was saying though, I never mentioned a 4th dose. I personally don't care where this clown was banned from. If you're still pushing Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid and saying the vaccines are doing more harm than good you should be shut down at every opportunity.

I was responding to Auditor who loves saying: "vaccines bad, are gene therapy" no matter what he's shown.

On another note: Seriously, why is Auditor not banned from this thread?
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Audioholic Samurai
I'm going to put it as simply as possible for some of the people here: if you believe OR the source of your information comes from someone who:

a) is still pushing Ivermectin as an effective Covid treatment despite all the evidence otherwise;


b) is saying that the vaccines cause more harm than good despite the mountains of evidence showing otherwise;


c) you think that the Covid vaccines are "gene therapy" despite everything you've been told to disprove that idea,

than, please, just don't post that BS here.

If, however, you're vaccine hesitant or have questions about it's safety and efficacy please do ask them. I've actually had really good conversations with vaccine hesitant people who weren't sure what to believe because of all the noise out there coming from a very few and very vocal anti-vax people. There's lots of data out there on how effective vaccines are, and how few and rare the side effects are. There have been close to 9 billion doses administered worldwide. 9 billion! Anti-vaxxers love to focus on the 10, 12, 20, or maybe even 100 instances of supposed bad long term reactions to the vaccine. Your chances of a bad long term reaction are vanishingly low compared to your chances of contracting and dying from Covid if you aren't vaccinated. That's the big takeaway here.


Audioholic Field Marshall
That's not even close to anything I was saying though, I never mentioned a 4th dose. I personally don't care where this clown was banned from. If you're still pushing Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid and saying the vaccines are doing more harm than good you should be shut down at every opportunity.

I was responding to Auditor who loves saying: "vaccines bad, are gene therapy" no matter what he's shown.

On another note: Seriously, why is Auditor not banned from this thread?
We can't cure Covid because we can't cure stupid.


Got a cite for this?

And I'm just loving all the hate for having a difference of opinion. The CDc itself has changed direction numerous times, recently shortening isolation time from 10 days to 5, even admitting it was to get more people back in the workforce.

I've had Covid, it sucked, but at no point did I feel I was gonna die. Also, when you have to get three shots within 6 months and it still doesn't protect you from getting the disease, only lessons it's severity, that's not a vaccine.


Audioholic Samurai

And I'm just loving all the hate for having a difference of opinion. The CDc itself has changed direction numerous times, recently shortening isolation time from 10 days to 5, even admitting it was to get more people back in the workforce.

I've had Covid, it sucked, but at no point did I feel I was gonna die. Also, when you have to get three shots within 6 months and it still doesn't protect you from getting the disease, only lessons it's severity, that's not a vaccine.
Good grief. Do you actually believe that link supports your statement "And the CDc just stated that PCR tests aren't going to be used after the first of the year because the test cannot distinguish between the flu and covid"?


Audioholic Spartan
Good grief. Do you actually believe that link supports your statement "And the CDc just stated that PCR tests aren't going to be used after the first of the year because the test cannot distinguish between the flu and covid"?
My thoughts exactly. Either he does not understand what is written there, or he counts on us not actually reading the provided link. Some even use that as a debating “technique” assuming many won’t read the links.


Seriously, I have no life.
You have Covid until proved otherwise and need to isolate until you get a negative test.
People need a memory recovery button, like cardiac monitors- I have no idea who I was near for more than a few minutes, one person in a house was coughing but tested negative and his mom is fine. Other than short trips to gas stations (always stay outside) and grocery stores (never spend a lot of time and spacing is maintained), I don't remember anyone coughing or sneezing nearby. I checked four symptoms- sneezing/sinus congestion, coughing, body aches (very minor), headache (no way to mark it as slight and only one time)- no fever/chills, no loss of taste or smell, no fatigue, no shortness of breath, etc- test came back positive, but they didn't specify which variant. I'm assuming it's Omicron because the symptoms aren't severe and it's actually more mild than some colds I have had in the past. I received a call from someone I had worked for in the past and he has been down with the Delta variant, complete with just about all of the symptoms- said he couldn't taste or smell for more than three days and slept for 22 hours, one day.

I know of one person who thought she would test positive- she was two ahead of me in line yesterday and said she had tested negative the day before, but had been experiencing symptoms before going in for the second test, where masks were mandatory for entry.


Audioholic Warlord

And I'm just loving all the hate for having a difference of opinion. The CDc itself has changed direction numerous times, recently shortening isolation time from 10 days to 5, even admitting it was to get more people back in the workforce.

I've had Covid, it sucked, but at no point did I feel I was gonna die. Also, when you have to get three shots within 6 months and it still doesn't protect you from getting the disease, only lessons it's severity, that's not a vaccine.
There has been no expressions of hatred - just exasperation from having to continuously refute inaccurate and/or incorrect statements/links.

So, because your experience with COVID wasn't horrible, that should dictate the response to the disease for the rest of society? Oh, and having to get multiple doses does not make it "not a vaccine".


Audioholic Spartan
Good grief. Do you actually believe that link supports your statement "And the CDc just stated that PCR tests aren't going to be used after the first of the year because the test cannot distinguish between the flu and covid"?
I hear 'ya, but like most things associated with anything Gov't, confusion abounds !


Audioholic Warlord
People need a memory recovery button, like cardiac monitors- I have no idea who I was near for more than a few minutes, one person in a house was coughing but tested negative and his mom is fine. Other than short trips to gas stations (always stay outside) and grocery stores (never spend a lot of time and spacing is maintained), I don't remember anyone coughing or sneezing nearby. I checked four symptoms- sneezing/sinus congestion, coughing, body aches (very minor), headache (no way to mark it as slight and only one time)- no fever/chills, no loss of taste or smell, no fatigue, no shortness of breath, etc- test came back positive, but they didn't specify which variant. I'm assuming it's Omicron because the symptoms aren't severe and it's actually more mild than some colds I have had in the past. I received a call from someone I had worked for in the past and he has been down with the Delta variant, complete with just about all of the symptoms- said he couldn't taste or smell for more than three days and slept for 22 hours, one day.

I know of one person who thought she would test positive- she was two ahead of me in line yesterday and said she had tested negative the day before, but had been experiencing symptoms before going in for the second test, where masks were mandatory for entry.
Well, I hope it doesn't get worse and that you get well soon. My cold is almost cleared up - sore throat is gone and the congestion is almost gone. I had no other symptoms.


Audioholic Samurai
Good grief. Do you actually believe that link supports your statement "And the CDc just stated that PCR tests aren't going to be used after the first of the year because the test cannot distinguish between the flu and covid"?
Great, we got another one who doesn't fully understand the articles he posts. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Warlord
And I'm just loving all the hate for having a difference of opinion. The CDc itself has changed direction numerous times, recently shortening isolation time from 10 days to 5, even admitting it was to get more people back in the workforce.
You portray yourself as a victim, hated for having a different opinion. Don't flatter yourself. Your citation from the CDC displays your abject ignorance for all to see. Do you believe your simple minded claims might persuade us? Don't insult our intelligence. That's what I hate, not your opinions.

Let's look at the CDC's words direct from your citation. Pay attention to the part I bolded:
In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.
You previously said the PCR "test cannot distinguish between the flu and covid". The CDC never said that. What the CDC did say is they recommend using another PCR test that can distinguish both SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses, at the same time – to save time and resources as we head into influenza season. If you can't understand the difference between your version and the CDC's version, you are truly ignorant – or you're deliberately fanning the flames of falsehood – something much worse than ignorance.
I've had Covid, it sucked, but at no point did I feel I was gonna die. Also, when you have to get three shots within 6 months and it still doesn't protect you from getting the disease, only lessons it's severity, that's not a vaccine.
Let me get this straight. Do you oppose vaccinations in general, or do you oppose Covid-19 vaccinations because of vague objections that it's 'not a vaccine' or that it's 'gene therapy'? Which is it? Or do you choose whatever argument suits your purpose?

Some simple facts about other vaccines developed during the 20th century: All of them went through several versions before arriving at a final, most successful version. It took years for these developments. No vaccine got it right on the first try without fine tuning. We now have several different Covid-19 vaccines. All of them were rapidly developed in response to a rapidly spreading public health emergency. And they worked surprisingly well for first attempts. But the SARS-CoV-2 virus has rapidly mutated into several different variants. The latest variant, omicron, has mutated enough that vaccines targeting the original Wuhan strain of the virus aren't as effective.

Now you say you're opposed to the Covid-19 vaccines because they don't react so well with all those mutations? Again, which is it?

We have all these mutations because people like you refuse vaccination, and you urge others to refuse vaccination. The more SARS-CoV-2 spreads, the more it replicates itself. The more the virus replicates, the more mutations accumulate. It's the continuing emergence of new variants that has has limited the success of those initial vaccines. All caused by your ignorance.
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Audioholic Samurai
If you can't understand the difference between your version and the CDC's version, you are truly ignorant – or you're deliberately fanning the flames of falsehood – something much worse than ignorance.
I wonder which it is in situations like this. I suspect it's the often the second (the Steve Bannon "Flood the zone with sh*t" approach).


Audioholic Samurai
I wonder which it is in situations like this. I suspect it's the often the second (the Steve Bannon "Flood the zone with sh*t" approach).
Well, when his response was this:

I think I'm just gonna see myself out. Have a nice life.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't care about actual data or critical reading ability and just wants to believe his "opinion" no matter how ill informed it is.


Audioholic Jedi

And I'm just loving all the hate for having a difference of opinion. The CDc itself has changed direction numerous times, recently shortening isolation time from 10 days to 5, even admitting it was to get more people back in the workforce.

I've had Covid, it sucked, but at no point did I feel I was gonna die. Also, when you have to get three shots within 6 months and it still doesn't protect you from getting the disease, only lessons it's severity, that's not a vaccine.
I want you to prove you are not a Chinese bot. Your posts seem suspicious to me. Chinese bots, have certainly been posting in the UK. It seems to me that it is unlikely they don't post on US media.


Seriously, I have no life.
[QUOTE="NINaudio, p... So, basically, this guy gets less and less credible the more I look into him.
That should be "the more he opens his mouth." ;):D
No different than the Frontier Doctors group.
And, just because he had a hand in mRNA doesn't mean he know it all.
Plenty of Nobel winners, I mean plenty, who went over the cliff in stupidity. Linus Pauling is one.

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