

Audioholic Warlord
This is the dangerous gambit with such a large segment of the population not taking it seriously. You're in a no-win situation.

IF the containment and isolation measures work well enough and we dodge a bullet, then they will feel justified that it was never a problem in the first place. "I told you so!" They won't recognize the effectiveness of the preventative measures.

The other option is a severe loss of life and societal/economic disruption. Italy^3. That's the price we'd have to pay to "prove" the severity of it.
Same sort of logic that the anti vax dummies use. "Nobody gets the virus anymore so why do we need to vaccinate?" Well, what do they think the reason people don't get it anymore is?

That lack of logical thinking and sheer stupidity is why stuff like this should just be mandatory. If there is a vaccine, you have to get it if you can. Simple as that.


Audioholic Spartan
One of the most ironic things about going to that clinic is the fact that so many of the people working there are overweight or very overweight, including the doctors I have seen and both told me that I need to lower my A1C, cholesterol and BP. They're not large and muscular-looking, they just look pudgy, at best. I probably have far less body fat than they do and because I changed my diet as soon as I found out about my levels last Thursday, I have dropped almost 10 pounds and at the beginning of yesterday's appointment, my BP was lower.
You had a weight loss of almost 10 pounds in less than a week?
Matthew J Poes

Matthew J Poes

Audioholic Chief
Staff member
In light of what I shared above... this would be best exemplified by the 50 some-odd bikers gathered at a local bar. Social distancing is apparently a reason for them to go hang out. *sighs-and-shrugs
One of my neighbors posted a message to our HOA Facebook group that she was so happy to see that in difficult crisis, there is a ray of light, that this brought our neighbors together. She then showed a picture of our park overloaded with kids and families. Clearly doesn't get it.

Some of the groups that offer activities for kids are now advertising that they are still open and can take kids if their preschools are closed. There is so much wrong with that! 1) We know that the point of canceling preschools is to isolate, so why would you go elsewhere, 2) These programs have virtually no regulation or requirement around anything for health and safety. Nothing like a preschool. Kids would be much safer at preschool than some random activity center.

Lots of people are making dumb decisions right now that put everyone at risk. We've got to fix the messaging.
Matthew J Poes

Matthew J Poes

Audioholic Chief
Staff member
Same sort of logic that the anti vax dummies use. "Nobody gets the virus anymore so why do we need to vaccinate?" Well, what do they think the reason people don't get it anymore is?

That lack of logical thinking and sheer stupidity is why stuff like this should just be mandatory. If there is a vaccine, you have to get it if you can. Simple as that.
You can't use logic and reason. What are you thinking!


Audioholic Samurai
Here's a snip from an article at The Lancet published today. Hopefully this is a small slice of good news:

>>>Based on more than 500 genetic sequences submitted to GISAID (the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data), the virus has not drifted to significant strain difference and changes in sequence are minimal. There is no evidence to link sequence information with transmissibility or virulence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19. <<<



Audioholic Overlord
You had a weight loss of almost 10 pounds in less than a week?
It's not unheard of... isn't always unhealthy or a warning sign. During this ast holiday season, I was already riding a little high on my weight... the pool closed down for repairs, I was eating too much, eating the wrong things, and imbibing too much as well.
Short of it, come January 1, the lady and I finished our holiday indulgences, and we began Dry January on the 2nd. With that, I also started eating right again.
I went from a bloated and short-term weight of 260 on December 31 to about a 10 Lb drop in just over a week of proper eating, exercising, and abstaining from alcohol. Yesterday I weighed in at 235. ;) Still dry, too.
To be fair, I swim a minimum of 1 mile, 5 days a week when the pool is open. Sometimes as much as 2 miles in a single session. I have been actively working on my fitness for several years; that I had crept up to 260 again was an unfortunate confluence of several things (some my choices and behavior).
Of that initial weight loss, 5# in 3 days was largely just Bloat and Inflamation going away as I got my system to clear itself out.


Audioholic Samurai
Well, I would much rather be in the position of having known that lives were saved and disliked by the stubborn, than know I've been proven right at the expense of lives.

I specifically work with prevention services so we constantly battle the belief that we are trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist. We are trying to prevent a problem before it exists, not fix an existing one. If my programs work, you won't even know it. It's when they don't work that you see the problem. We have rigorous scientifically valid ways of proving they work, but unfortunately there are a lot of people who don't understand that kind of science, they want to see proof in a more obvious way. For the kind of work I do, that kind of proof means I've failed and it is not too late.
This reminds me of a joke my dad used tell. A man went out on his front porch and blew a loud horn every night at dusk. His neighbor finally asked him "Why do you blow that (expletive) horn every night?!?" The man replied "It's to scare away the elephants!" The neighbor replied "There aren't any elephants within thousands of miles of here!" to which the man replied "Yeah, I know, see how well it works?!?"

I realize some will conclude that the efforts being made to control the virus, if successful, will prove that it was not really a threat to begin with. My thought on this possibility is "who cares"?


Audioholic General
It's not unheard of... isn't always unhealthy or a warning sign. During this ast holiday season, I was already riding a little high on my weight... the pool closed down for repairs, I was eating too much, eating the wrong things, and imbibing too much as well.
Short of it, come January 1, the lady and I finished our holiday indulgences, and we began Dry January on the 2nd. With that, I also started eating right again.
I went from a bloated and short-term weight of 260 on December 31 to about a 10 Lb drop in just over a week of proper eating, exercising, and abstaining from alcohol. Yesterday I weighed in at 235. ;) Still dry, too.
To be fair, I swim a minimum of 1 mile, 5 days a week when the pool is open. Sometimes as much as 2 miles in a single session. I have been actively working on my fitness for several years; that I had crept up to 260 again was an unfortunate confluence of several things (some my choices and behavior).
Of that initial weight loss, 5# in 3 days was largely just Bloat and Inflamation going away as I got my system to clear itself out.

That's a great result. I also drop the initial 5-10 lbs quickly. Then it gets harder. I was doing good but then tore my bicep where it attaches to the forearm. So that stopped things quickly. Corona hasn't helped much either. But 2 weeks after the surgery and my range of motion is close to where it needs to be. So I should be able to get back to treadmill work to keep it going.

Corona hasn't helped. Everything is shutting down near me. So I'm ok with that except so many hourly workers are going to be hurt. I'm still open for business and thankfully mostly commercial work.


Audioholic Warlord
This reminds me of a joke my dad used tell. A man went out on his front porch and blew a loud horn every night at dusk. His neighbor finally asked him "Why do you blow that (expletive) horn every night?!?" The man replied "It's to scare away the elephants!" The neighbor replied "There aren't any elephants within thousands of miles of here!" to which the man replied "Yeah, I know, see how well it works?!?"

I realize some will conclude that the efforts being made to control the virus, if successful, will prove that it was not really a threat to begin with. My thought on this possibility is "who cares"?
Well, people may not need to care if we help stop the spread, but they need to understand that what we're trying to do WILL help stop the spread.


Seriously, I have no life.
You had a weight loss of almost 10 pounds in less than a week?
Yeah- I cut out carbs almost completely and ate less. I'm a bit of a Clydesdale, so 10 lb isn't a large percentage, but after seeing my weight last Thursday, I would say I'm down a total of 30-ish since the end of September. Lots of clothes that didn't fit in early Sept fit by the middle of October- now, I'm buying jeans that are 2" smaller in the waste, I tightened my belt by two holes and my new jeans aren't relaxed fit. I walk a lot for work and had been watching how much I ate; although I was eating a good amount of fast food for the convenience, I wasn't eating a lot of burgers & fries or drinking soda with sugar. Still, fast food has far too much salt and that industry has a lot to answer for WRT the poor health in the countries where it exists as it is in the US. Another reason I was eating fast food is that my fridge stopped cooling and I was trying to find a way to fix it without being reamed- I looked all over for info and found that it was out there, but it was incomplete since it only showed what needed to be replaced, not how to make sure it was needed. Once I found how to check the compressor, I bought the start-up device, installed it and had a working fridge again. Now, I can re-stock and make my own food, from ingredients, not pre-made crap that isn't good for me.

The problem with fast food- it can be very cheap. I can eat lunch for $1-$4 and it's enough- for $5, I can overeat at many places. OTOH, I could have been eating 1/4 Pounder w/cheese meals and A) hating it because it sucks, B) hating it because it's not healthy and has far too much salt and C) hating it because it's more than $8. Eight dollars for a QP w/cheese? That's insane! I can go to Culver's and get much better food for about $6.

I never felt bad, I just had an infected toe that prompted the visit to the croaker and found out that my levels were elevated. Went in for the consultation and he said they aren't at a high DEFCON level, but I need to make some changes. I didn't have breakfast yesterday and I had eaten when I went in the first time. The antibiotics have a supplement that has a side effect- let's just say it aids digestion.
Last edited:


Seriously, I have no life.
This reminds me of a joke my dad used tell. A man went out on his front porch and blew a loud horn every night at dusk. His neighbor finally asked him "Why do you blow that (expletive) horn every night?!?" The man replied "It's to scare away the elephants!" The neighbor replied "There aren't any elephants within thousands of miles of here!" to which the man replied "Yeah, I know, see how well it works?!?"
That's similar to George Gobel saying that he was stationed in Oklahoma as a pilot during WWII.

Gobel comes out at about 8:15, but the part before is pretty good, too- the part about his being a pilot starts around 12:00 in.



Audioholic Field Marshall
Someone has a twisted sense of humor. For the last week or so, at least TWICE in my snail-mail box, I've received invitations for seminars and lunch from a service which is pushing........CREMATION services! I kid you not! I'm sure these bulk-junk mailings were sent out prior the to current news. ;)


Audioholic Warlord
Someone has a twisted sense of humor. For the last week or so, at least TWICE in my snail-mail box, I've received invitations for seminars and lunch from a service which is pushing........CREMATION services! I kid you not!
Sounds like you're on someone's demographic mailing list – the Already Circling the Drain list.
I'm sure these bulk-junk mailings were sent out prior the to current news. ;)
I'm glad to see you're not so sure about that.


Audioholic Samurai
A 45 year old lawyer from a law firm in Louisiana is in critical condition after testing positive with COVID-19. This is making the news in legal circles.

>>>Frilot, a construction litigator who practices in the firm’s New Orleans and Mandeville offices, first noticed symptoms back on March 6, according to the firm.

His wife, Heaven Frilot, told that her husband, whom she described as normally “never, ever, sick,” hadn’t improved by March 7, when he went to an urgent care center and was diagnosed with the flu, given Tamiflu, prednisone and some cough syrup, and sent home.

Mark Frilot worsened further and went to the emergency room the next day, where a doctor told him that he had been misdiagnosed and that he was a candidate for the still-difficult-to-obtain COVID-19 test, according to his wife’s account. Several hours later, Frilot was diagnosed with COVID-19 and double pneumonia and was put in critical care and isolation, she said.<<<



Audioholic Ninja
What we do know is that this pandemic is at least 10 times deadlier than any other pandemic certainly in all our life times. It is unusually infectious by air, touch and feces.
HIV has killed 32 million and counting.


Audioholic Spartan
The lie has happened before.

That letter expressed an opinion, however controversial. The outcome of the test is binary. Lying about it is probably a federal crime of some sort.


Audioholic Ninja
That letter expressed an opinion, however controversial. The outcome of the test is binary. Lying about it is probably a federal crime of some sort.
One would hope... but the president can pardon you from federal crimes.

Trump may not be infected.
Trump may be infected but not a sufficient viral load to test positive.
The statement about Trump may be a lie.

I don't really have any knowledge on which it is (any other president though and I would not have had the third option).

That said: If Trump gets taken out by a virus from China with a Mexican name, I may have to re-evaluate my atheism.

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