Who the f#%k would plan this? Same outfits that plan obsolescence. There is nothing new under the sun folks. Things are not discovered or invented, they are simply recycled and brought back online. No religion was ever invented "out of love". It's all about control. It's easier to control peoples' bodies when you already control their hearts and minds. Their is always a contingency plan. They placed two "parties" in front of us and it doesn't matter which one gets your vote. The numbers don't lie, politicians do. So, you are given what you think is a choice, but it is still going to go down their way. Humans are and always have been a commodity. That is why they no longer use the word "people". They like the words "consumers" and "markets". They are only concerned with corporate profits. If the chickens start clucking too loudly, you put em' in a tin shed and feed em' so many growth hormones they can't stand on their two feet anymore. Makes em' easier to catch come slaughter time. Beware any outfit that wants to build a wall around you. It is probably meant to keep you in rather than keep anything out. If things goes wrong and the chickens keep clucking, you release a "pandemic." They can't very well rise up if they are too scared to leave their homes. Do the math folks and get an accounting of all the pricks who left their post before this went down. Why, you'd think they knew something was coming. Run the numbers. Every horrible world event made some small group of selfish f#%kers an obscene amount of money while at the same time taking away rights and freedoms from the rest of the populace. You don't have to go too far back to see it. Take WWII and 9/11. The 50's and 2,000's took steps backward, not forward. But, it is what it is and I'm not going to stress about it too much. I think I have more years behind me than in front of me and I've already wasted too many of them. Damn you youth! It really is wasted on the young, who knew? What I need to do is get more f#%kin' coffee right now. Oh, almost forgot the thread topic. Funny how quickly a for-profit healthcare system can come up with a vaccine to combat a worldwide health crisis. You would have thought they could have worked as hard during the AIDS crisis. But, some think that HIV was killing all of the right people until some guys got it and blamed their dentist or a blood transfusion. Now, they just cover up AIDS diagnoses here and no vaccine in sight. So, did they actually engineer the coronavirus. No, they didn't invent it, but they did manipulate it. It's scary how much damage a common cold virus and a coked up horses ass can do when released out into the wild. Oh yeah, Free Will?!!! And I thought Free Love was an outdated concept.