Would yall mind backing up and giving me some basic info? I'm helping someone digitize their CD collection onto their computer. They've got a relatively "smart" house, and while I'm not a stereo buff, I know they've invested a lot into thier system.
My question has two parts. First, if the pc is on the 3rd floor, connected to a second floor "IT closet" by means of CatV cable, and the stereo is on the first floor near another CatV port, is this a viable layout for bringing the music to the stereo? Secondly, what are the key pieces involved? Is a direct connect from the pc to the stereo by something other than CatV cable required?
I'm also particulary interested in the options for controlling and searching the digital library from a remote or hand held device. A guy at Tweeters gave me 2 options: a $1,000 Universal Remote Control that would come with an additional $500 programming fee and would require the tv to be on, and the $6,500 Crestron portable device that sounds fantastic, but is it worth the price?
Is there anywhere in between?