<font color='#000000'>For the most part the prices are high because the hucksters and snake oil salesmen have learned they can appeal to the vanity, ego and foolishness of those with more money than common sense to sell their super magical cables for several thousand percent markup.
In my HT setup I needed a 25 foot set of component vid cables; the prices of that long a cable usually will give you a heart attack, but I bought them at PacificCable.com; I paid only $35 with shipping! The cables themselves are well made, true 75 ohm cables- the picture is as good as any other cables I've used.
They also sell pretty nice CAT6 cables for rediculously low prices- try $25 for a hundred foot CAT6! And really well made.
BTW, they're good guys to deal with, too. Fast, friendly and courteous.</font>