Comparisons Move, Kinect, and Wii-mote



Audioholic Samurai
Sony Draws More Fists Than Comparisons With Move
07/21/2010 Written by Kishen Patel

Thanks to this new motion controller craze, the console wars are set to heat up even more. As ironic as this may sound, since motion controls are primarily casual and console wars are stereotyped towards the hardcore, that has not stopped Sony from drawing their punches at the competition pre-release. At the recent Sony Media Holiday Preview Event, Sony Computer Entertainment decisively took jabs at the competing waggle devices.

Going above and beyond the typical marketing and advertising spiel, the media kit took host to a comparison chart pitting the PlayStation Move, Nintendo Wii, and Microsoft Kinect traits and features together.

With the chart, SCE is simply driving home the fact that the Move controller can pay homage to Wii-style games, like Dead Space Extraction, support Kinect-like Eye Toy and voice command titles, such as EyePet, and even a mix of both with titles like The Shoot. In any case, features are great to have and crucial even but it is the software lineup that will lead to success in the end, right? What do you think?

Source: PSLS


Audioholic Overlord
Don't hold back Seth tell us what you really think.:D

This new technology is bullshit.:D

Look at it this way. I've talked to a fair amount of young people and most of them tend to have similar responses to 3D TV. They either don't like it at all, or think it's highly overrated and at best a ploy to convince people the TV they bought 2 years ago is useless now.

The Move and Kinect obviously are trying to hit the market that Wii hit so well. That ship has sailed, and I don't think anyone is going to be lining up at the doors to get these expensive add-on devices. Again, talking to people in my age group most are confounded on why these devices are coming out now. They are a day late and a dollar short for a trend that is waning.

If young people aren't terribly interested in this technology, then who is? Who should these companies be marketing too?


Audioholic Samurai
This new technology is bullshit.:D

Look at it this way. I've talked to a fair amount of young people and most of them tend to have similar responses to 3D TV. They either don't like it at all, or think it's highly overrated and at best a ploy to convince people the TV they bought 2 years ago is useless now.

The Move and Kinect obviously are trying to hit the market that Wii hit so well. That ship has sailed, and I don't think anyone is going to be lining up at the doors to get these expensive add-on devices. Again, talking to people in my age group most are confounded on why these devices are coming out now. They are a day late and a dollar short for a trend that is waning.

If young people aren't terribly interested in this technology, then who is? Who should these companies be marketing too?
Now I know which age group your in with that line.:eek::D J/K

I'm not going to be running out and buying a new 3D TV, won't happen unless I'm forced to, but for the Move I will reserve judgment till I get my hands on it at Lollapalooza in 2 weeks.


Most of my friends are excited for the move, more so for the technology than the actual games announced so far. We are holding out hope for a few things though, like socom and Sorcery. Personally I expect it to be a 50$ (blu-ray) remote control until then.

3DTVs while impressive to see how far we've come are still lacking vs the price point. Once it becomes a everyday household thing and is built into everything with a large supply of movies/games we can talk again. God I hope they don't sell "3D" and "2D" blu-rays separate. That will hold back adoption just like the DVD did for Blu-ray.
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Given some fun party games or a Wii sports equivalent, I'd consider buying a PS3 motion controller for two reasons:

1: I don't own a Wii.
2: My wife would rather own a Wii and this will get us half way.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
I think motion controllers/cameras and 3D TV can bugger off.:D
I agree 100%.

I enjoy playing my wii, but I don't want my other two consoles to be wiis as well. Either way, I'm certainly not going to drop an additional couple hundred dollars on additional hardware for the 360 or ps3.


The Wii is great for groups... The New Sony motion looks to be where it is at...:cool:


Audioholic Overlord
The Kinect has certainly gained momentum. It's surprising how many customers are interested in this product. Word is that it performs remarkably well.


Audioholic General
Good necropost... however I've heard the same. An old friend of mine got Kinect and his brother has Move. According to them Kinect is far more fun.

I haven't tried either, hell I have limited experience with the Wii!

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