You guys are a real piece of work.
I come to your site to get honest advice about my system because I am not a home theater expert. I happen to be an expert in an entirely different field in which I have built myself a very successful business and comfortable income. Much of which is available for purchasing audio and theater gear. However, not one cent will be spent on your site.
Do you honestly believe it's productive or good business practice to post a video making fun of and ridiculing people like me who might have otherwise been a customer, about all the dumb things inexperienced people do when setting up their gear? Are you so totally full of yourself that you find it necessary to demean other people in order to boost your own ego? Does it make you feel big and smart by running down people who don't happen to have experience in home theater design? Pathetic.
As a business person who helps people on a daily basis, I find your self centered, egotistical, narcissistic, condecension absolutely revolting and at the vey least self destructive and puzzling.
You must be raking in so much money that it doesn't bother you that professional people such as myself would never ever do business with you 2 boneheads.
Unfortunately, you'll probably make some off color remark about my post and you'll never stop to think about what I'm telling you. Your huge self indulgent egos will never let you realize that from a business perspective , what I am telling you is exactly right.
I admit that I'm not a home theater expert, but I will be going somewhere else where they don't run down, laugh at, an ridicule their own potential customers..
BTW, I rarely post on websites, but you two geniuses were so over the top and insulting to me I simply could not resist expressing my total disdain for both of you, and your disgusting unprofessional behavior..
The road to ruin is paved with a million good ideas that failed for one reason or another. Your imminent failure is clearly visible from a million miles away. Everyone can see it but you!