Amen there bro. FWIW, San Diego flat out kicked KY a$$ last year!

Unless things have changed drastically, they are a very good team. KY has got to stop giving up too many turnovers. It is killing their game. I still say it comes right back to fundamentals. For example, KY can't seem to hit a free-throw to save their lives! Come on-that is a free shot. I don't get it.

To be honest, it is almost pathetic. I mean, if KY can't hit a free shot, then think about hitting a guarded shot. Sorry for the rant, but as a long time KY fan I am becoming impatient. Both, with the program itself AND the coach for allowing such laziness. Pitino would never put up with it. Maybe it is time for Billy Clyde to go. Unfortunately, I am beginning to think so myself like many other KY fans. At this stage of the season, I don't think KY could even beat the University of Evansville let alone Western KY. Very troubled times here in Big Blue Nation!
