

Audioholics Master Chief
This movie has all of the good attributes of porn without the sex. I agree that Trek will likely be a let down.


Audioholic Warlord
Just saw it - the in-cam version will make you less seasick. I just love movies with no endings. JJ Abrams is my new favorite person to hate in the industry. Star Trek is doomed.
It's pronounced, sequel.

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
I just love movies with no endings. JJ Abrams is my new favorite person to hate in the industry. Star Trek is doomed.
what? you did not see Rambaldi riding on white polar bears in the tropical jungle followed by giant robots taking down trees? :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
Because Paramount was probably planning it for HD-DVD, not BD.


Audioholic Overlord
How can you hate Lost!!!I really like that show.

Have heard from some people who have seen Cloverfield, it seems to be a "love it or hate it movie". I don't particularly care for the "Blair witch" shaky handy cam film style.
Ouch Steve......I went to school with the Producer of that movie. His name is Greg Hale. He is a very nice guy. I do agree, however, that Lost is an excellent show. In fact, it is my favorite show.


Audioholic Overlord
Not enough to make me abandon my HT paradise for the hell-hole movie theaters. I mean what are we looking at here, Godzilla? Beast from 20,000 fathoms? Bigfoot? Sounds like Netflix material to me.
No man it is the "AUDIO MONSTER" coming to your ht near you........LOL!!!! :eek::eek: Sure was a big ole monster though. :p:p


Audioholic Chief
Is it good enough to rent or wait till it gets in the 6$-a-pop bin at wal-mart?


Junior Audioholic
Is it good enough to rent or wait till it gets in the 6$-a-pop bin at wal-mart?
Yes, it is definitely good enough to rent. I saw it last night. The whole "shaky cam" thing isn't really that bad. It gets better as the movie goes on. The audio and video quality are good. The video quality is probably better than what I was expecting coming from a "handy cam perspective". Audio won't disapoint.

There are some good shots of the big monster. Especially in Central Park and some quick shots on the rooftop and in the helicopter. And there is a big "splash" at the end which leads you to believe this creature is of an extraterrestrial origin. But I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it.

This movie reminds me of "The Mist" in some ways.

I can't think of a better place for a monster to run amuk than NYC.


Audioholic Ninja
The monster looks like a mutated female reproductive organ with legs and little crabs falling off of it, Rosie Odonell donated photos to the special FX team.


Audioholic Samurai
Alright, after reading everyone's opinions on the flick, I had to go out and rent this one last night. I have to say it was actually pretty well done for a monster flick. I didn't mind the first-person shaky cam thing either, it actually made it seem like you were really there and a part of the action, rather than just watching it from a safe distance. It had plenty of frightening moments too that gripped you in a real way (walking down a NYC subway tunnel in the pitch black dark while all hell is breaking loose above you on the street, or stuck inside an out of control helicopter as it spirals down to the ground from 1000 feet in the air?)

Anyway - the one thing I did enjoy immensely was the LFE track. This movie made me awfully happy about my big ole' sub sitting over to the side of my system. The sound was incredible, with plenty of low end, room shaking effects.

Overall, I would give this one a 7 out of 10.


Audioholic Samurai
The monster looks like a mutated female reproductive organ with legs and little crabs falling off of it, Rosie Odonell donated photos to the special FX team.
Oh god !

Can you imagine a mouth full of rosie crabs infesting an innocent moustache :eek:

I swear she's got a head like a bison.


Senior Audioholic
We never made it to the theater to see this, we did receive from Netflix on release day. Enjoyed it quite a bit. Fun, intense, loud action. Didn't really miss or need the HD, it looked pretty good running on the PS3 [even had my glasses on]. Will probably get the DVD for my collection. Will watch again before sending back, but need to have a couple people over to share in the house shaking LFE!
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
ok, i scanned this over.

of the few minutes i saw ...
guess what? ... like all JJ Abrams stuff, it's got a million questions unanswered too!

e.g. what's the significance of the little crab's bite? ; no conclusion ; i can't believe something made of flesh is unaffected by the bombs and stuff

don't you guys need closure for the stuff you watch? i mean, LOTR didn't end with FOTR. but i didn't fuss, because I knew there was going to be a closure sometime. but JJ Abrams has NO INTENTION of MAKING A CONCLUSION, he just makes half-baked stuff up.


Audioholic Ninja
ok, i scanned this over.

of the few minutes i saw ...
guess what? ... like all JJ Abrams stuff, it's got a million questions unanswered too!

e.g. what's the significance of the little crab's bite? ; no conclusion ; i can't believe something made of flesh is unaffected by the bombs and stuff

don't you guys need closure for the stuff you watch? i mean, LOTR didn't end with FOTR. but i didn't fuss, because I knew there was going to be a closure sometime. but JJ Abrams has NO INTENTION of MAKING A CONCLUSION, he just makes half-baked stuff up.
Hey Mikey,

Based on your assumptions, which seems to be the general consensus, Star Trek 08 which now will 09 might be headed for the same mediocre ending a la Abrams usual.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Hey Mikey,

Based on your assumptions, which seems to be the general consensus, Star Trek 08 which now will 09 might be headed for the same mediocre ending a la Abrams usual.
good thing i'm not that obsessed with the original star trek ... so if he murders this one, i won't feel as bad.

and the trailer isn't helping too ... the whole trailer was of welding a ship together. wow. :rolleyes:

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