Alright, after reading everyone's opinions on the flick, I had to go out and rent this one last night. I have to say it was actually pretty well done for a monster flick. I didn't mind the first-person shaky cam thing either, it actually made it seem like you were really there and a part of the action, rather than just watching it from a safe distance. It had plenty of frightening moments too that gripped you in a real way (walking down a NYC subway tunnel in the pitch black dark while all hell is breaking loose above you on the street, or stuck inside an out of control helicopter as it spirals down to the ground from 1000 feet in the air?)
Anyway - the one thing I did enjoy immensely was the LFE track. This movie made me awfully happy about my big ole' sub sitting over to the side of my system. The sound was incredible, with plenty of low end, room shaking effects.
Overall, I would give this one a 7 out of 10.