You guys know the story of Shia LaBeouf and his defiant white flag art project? He set up a live stream in an undisclosed location and was going to let that flag fly as long as Trump is in office. All you could see in the live stream was the flag and the sky behind it.
The dregs of humanity over at 4chan decided it'd be fun to mess with Shia. I'll copy paste the story below. I'm blown away they pulled this off.
The trolls using only the live stream of the flag, started, I poop you not, studying the flight patterns and contrails of the airplanes passing overhead. They mapped out what they saw and took their findings to flight radars to try and pinpoint a general area. Using the knowledge gleaned from the flight patterns they found that the location was near Greeneville, Tennessee.
Then they turned to studying the star patterns and their movements and with that, plus a tweet that Labeouf sent out in a Tennessee diner, the trolls were able to narrow the area even further—to a small patch of land between a house and a river.
This is when their man on the ground came into play. The channers were able to enlist a local troll to drive around the area and repeatedly honk his horn.
The horn was picked up on the live stream and the troll posted his location to 4Chan. In probably the sweetest moment of his lil' life, the channer made his way to claim his prize. Down went Shia's white flag of defiance, up went a red Trump hat, and the most pointlessly convoluted game of capture the flag of all time came to an end.
It seems that the troll who successfully stole the flag now has it proudly hung, fittingly, in his basement. The latest iteration of He Will Not Divide Us Lasted a little over 37 hours.