Wow. So I'm one of the very few who wasn't at all impressed by it, eh? Sure, it looked great and sounded great, but I thought the movie was boooring. Slow in the middle? Yeah, but I found it was slow in the beginning too. Only towards the end did the story pick up a little.
There were tons of great, tiny, funny jokes, but all the tiny jokes in the world don't make for a good story overall. Also, I found that some of the cars started to look similar after a while. Like it was hard differentiating them. Everyone's faces looked pretty much the same -- a problem I had with A Bug's Life -- which made the good guys hard to identify with and root for, and made the bad guys hard to boo and hiss for.
Mater was the only character I really enjoyed. Thank gods he had a very different looking face and personality. Never would have noticed him otherwise.
I dunno. Looks and sound are important, but a good story is vital. This one missed the mark for me. It'll probably be the only Pixar DVD I don't buy.