So Nasa indicates a warming of the globe.
show evidence too.
So you have the Atmospheric experts and peer reviewed papers verses what is likely your hearsay.
Global warming is real and is occuring. I have empirical data that shows it happening at a rate greater than anything that has occured in 2000 years.
Does that not alarm you? I find it concerning that people are turning this into some kind of political debate. It seem republicans don't believe in global warming. They make excuses or try to dismiss it. Yet the data contradicts them.
Now does it make logical since that when you burn something that it might contribute to making the earth warmer. Imagine if you burn a lot of stuff.
Acid rain was somethign that happened from coal burning global warming is something that's happening from what we are doing now.
Of course the sun might help us out by counteracting global warming for a few years, but moving to renewable energy sources and cutting down on our consumption is a must. Many of us abuse our AC units in the summer and heaters in the winter. Those that do should be taxed for it. Because they are bringing us a step closer to disaster. I see people that fatten themselves up with food and then jack down the ac to 72 degrees. that's a waste of energy. If they set it at 78 the savings is dramatic. Maybe we should ration electricity. We could turn off their lights when they've used up their rations.