I agree that the placebo effect is all over the place. It's not just with us music lovers. It happens in every aspect of our lives. And sometimes the placebo effect can be a good thing, whether we like to admit it or not.
As far as facts/science goes, I do believe most people try to make their decisions with some sort of science or fact based evidence in their decissions.
However, it is easy to forget, when it comes to science or so called facts. These are parameters that are set by somebody to establish the so called golden rule.
Example, most people believe one is an odd number. When in actuality, there are no odd numbers. one can be divided by ten-tenths and so on. The examples can go on and on.
Sort of like some people think black is a color, when in actuality, black is the complete absence of light and color.
When it comes to audio, there is pretty much a standard set with a frequency limit a human can hear. But there will always be someone who can hear higher than that so called limit.
Same goes with distortion standards, with you, myself and others may or may not be able to hear distortion until it reaches a certain point. There will always be someone who can possibly hear distortion before it is so called measurable.
It's real easy for us to forget that we (our ears) are nothing like a microphone. So sometimes it seems almost inconsequential to use a microphone for comparison or testing. Since we know all of the other factors involved in what is being heard (room, etc). Bla, bla, bla

And one of the biggest things to remember is science changes their findings and understanding, almost on a daily basis. Wasn't that long ago when science told us it would be impossible to fly or go to space. Examples may be bad, but you get the drift.
The point i was trying to make in the beginning of this speaker wire topic was, while we know the science behind the cable size difference should not be audible. A lower gauge wire is going to have less resistance and once we factor in the amp, wire and speaker impedance fluctuations. How can we tell the OP that he and his wife did not hear a difference between the 16g and 11g wire swap. Unless we are there listening to his particular setup, then we shouldn't really make a judgement call and tell him it's all a placebo effect. And if it is a placebo effect but makes them believe it sounds better, well so be it. To much judgement happens in this hobby.
They way we hear should not be judged by some piece of equipment where someone (human) has set a so called set of standards. Standards and golden rules are always evolving and changing along the way.
Yea, i know im rambling on. I am just attempting to show, no matter the science or so called facts, they are not always so cut and dry. The science and facts of today may not be the science and facts of tommorow.
Ok, time for me to eat, my hypoglycemia may be kicking in and i may be making no sense at all right now.