Can we have a rational discussion about guns and why the typical arguments for gun control and its implementation won't work?


sterling shoote

Audioholic Field Marshall
I think I'll get out this morning and work on my sight alignment and trigger control.


Seriously, I have no life.
It's all a matter of perception. We've got our fair share of assholes, too.

I have visited the US many times. I can't recall any unpleasant encounters with Americans.

Actually, there was an incident in Papa Joe's bar outside the gates of Roosevelt Roads many years ago. A Seabee deliberately drove his shoulder into my back as he walked by. Yadda, yaddah, yaddah...the entire place erupts into a brawl. When the dust settled, I stayed, he was punted from the bar.

Other than that, it's been all good.:)
If you didn't encounter any, you would have needed to keep going or go to some different places.

I'm not saying the country is filled with them, but if you watch or read the news, you'll see it.

Was the Seabee in uniform?


Seriously, I have no life.
Well, the perception here is that the SCOTUS is quite politically biased, while up here...not so much. Of course, there wouldn't be a judge in any country whose philosophy or political leanings didn't influence their decisions, but it seems to be far more muted here. You just don't see blatant efforts to stack a court with a view to flipping previous decisions - such as conservative hopes to get wade v. rowe overturned.
Why Canada Doesn’t Have The Same Partisan Supreme Court Fights As The U.S. | HuffPost Canada Politics (
Unlike the U.S., Canada does not do spectacle when it comes to picking Supreme Court judges | National Post

I'm not suggesting that the process is superior here, but it's certainly different.
Even with the leanings of the justices, they render decisions that might go against that because they can and do set their personal preferences and opinions aside due to the importance of some cases.

Also, WRT the Second Amendment, assuming members of the GOP/Right are the only supporters is incorrect. Go to any factory that's filled with union workers and you will find a lot of hunters and gun enthusiasts. Lots of large business owners, executives and others in white collar positions who vote Democrat hunt and want to have their guns, too. They may not be NRA members (that point may become moot soon enough), but they do have and use guns.


Audioholic Warlord
If you didn't encounter any, you would have needed to keep going or go to some different places.

I'm not saying the country is filled with them, but if you watch or read the news, you'll see it.

Was the Seabee in uniform?
No, he wasn't. I assumed he was a Seabee, as it was pretty much them and crewmembers from my boat there at the time. He was clearly USN, as he certainly wasn't a local Puerto Rican...of which there were precisely none in the bar, other than bar staff.


Seriously, I have no life.
Give 'em their land back and go back to Europe.
What about SE Asia, Central/South America, Australia, Africa, Pacific Islands, etc? Should every person with ancestors from countries that were colonists go back? How far back do you want this to go? Every country/continent had people from outside who went there and changed it. Here, a lot of Mexicans and Central Americans say they "owned" Mexico before America but they never seem to remember that they speak Spanish because the Portuguese and Spanish went there and treated the native people in ways that can't be called 'humane' and yet, they embrace their heritage as Spanish-speaking people, not as indigenous. Pacific Islands had wars among the various people form other islands, Japan, Korea, China and other countries in Asia have been at war for many centuries, Europe has never gotten along with itself- you name it, people have gone somewhere and kicked someone else' butts. Scandinavian invaders went to the British isles to stay & settle, interbreed and greatly influence the people and countries.

What would those countries do with all of the people who "returned"?


Audioholic Warlord
Even with the leanings of the justices, they render decisions that might go against that because they can and do set their personal preferences and opinions aside due to the importance of some cases.

Also, WRT the Second Amendment, assuming members of the GOP/Right are the only supporters is incorrect. Go to any factory that's filled with union workers and you will find a lot of hunters and gun enthusiasts. Lots of large business owners, executives and others in white collar positions who vote Democrat hunt and want to have their guns, too. They may not be NRA members (that point may become moot soon enough), but they do have and use guns.
If it appeared that way, I wasn't making any assumptions along those lines, as with pretty much any political topic, you'll find overlap.

As far as union workers are concerned, many may be right-leaning, but are union members because their workplaces are unionized.

As far as the SCOTUS is concerned, if there wasn't a strong element of partisanship amongst the justices, there wouldn't be such a circus around nominations and confirmations.


Seriously, I have no life.
No, he wasn't. I assumed he was a Seabee, as it was pretty much them and crewmembers from my boat there at the time. He was clearly USN, as he certainly wasn't a local Puerto Rican...of which there were precisely none in the bar, other than bar staff.
Ahhh, you didn't mention anything about being on a boat- competition between countries and branches of the military, you know.....

You were in Puerto Rico? No MPs onsite?


Seriously, I have no life.
If it appeared that way, I wasn't making any assumptions along those lines, as with pretty much any political topic, you'll find overlap.

As far as union workers are concerned, many may be right-leaning, but are union members because their workplaces are unionized.

As far as the SCOTUS is concerned, if there wasn't a strong element of partisanship amongst the justices, there wouldn't be such a circus around nominations and confirmations.
Union membership and right-leaning aren't happy couples- my first experience with unions haven's been particularly good, starting in the late-'60s, when my dad worked for Harley Davidson. The unions would go on strike to hurt the employers or taunt us because we weren't in a union, even though there is no union for people who work in low voltage electrical/AV/Networking unless the people work for an electrical contractor or are union electricians.

I don't have a problem with the concept, but I don't agree with the way their use of force has been implemented.

How would this be America if we didn't have a circus surrounding every aspect of our government?:mad: I hate that, BTW.


Audioholic Warlord
Ahhh, you didn't mention anything about being on a boat- competition between countries and branches of the military, you know.....

You were in Puerto Rico? No MPs onsite?
That's where Roosevelt Roads is....or was.
Roosevelt Roads Naval Station - Wikipedia
I was talking to a buddy, minding my own business, when I got the shoulder in the back. I have no idea what his problem was - maybe he was a surly drinker or just having a bad day. Anyway, the brawl subsided pretty quickly, so I guess they decided not to call in the meatheads.

I'm not sure what "competition" was going on. I'm well aware of different units squaring off, but I'd never been involved in such a fracas before. I always found such animosity beyond silly. Unit pride is one thing, but getting into fisticuffs over it is something else entirely. I was only involved that time because I had to defend myself.


Seriously, I have no life.
That's where Roosevelt Roads is....or was.
Roosevelt Roads Naval Station - Wikipedia
I was talking to a buddy, minding my own business, when I got the shoulder in the back. I have no idea what his problem was - maybe he was a surly drinker or just having a bad day. Anyway, the brawl subsided pretty quickly, so I guess they decided not to call in the meatheads.

I'm not sure what "competition" was going on. I'm well aware of different units squaring off, but I'd never been involved in such a fracas before. I always found such animosity beyond silly. Unit pride is one thing, but getting into fisticuffs over it is something else entirely. I was only involved that time because I had to defend myself.
I assume it's like brothers- they fight with each other but if it hits the fan, they're going to be fighting together.


Audioholic Warlord
I assume it's like brothers- they fight with each other but if it hits the fan, they're going to be fighting together.
Yup. I'm allowed to pummel the $hit out of him, but don't you dare lay a finger on him.


Seriously, I have no life.
Yup. I'm allowed to pummel the $hit out of him, but don't you dare lay a finger on him.
"How dare you hit my brother when he's still on the ground after I pounded him?????????????????"

Blood is thicker than beer.


Audioholic Slumlord
And Alex goes back to...well...the zoo, I guess.
I like it here.

What's the point of taking a place over violently and then reconciling with the small segment of the indigenous population you didn't kill?

Somebody needs an explanation on how war works. Who knows, maybe it's me but I thought killing people and taking their stuff was the whole idea.


Audioholic Warlord
I like it here.

What's the point of taking a place over violently and then reconciling with the small segment of the indigenous population you didn't kill?

Somebody needs an explanation on how war works. Who knows, maybe it's me but I thought killing people and taking their stuff was the whole idea.
Hey! Why do I have to go back and you get to stay!?

This is bull$hit.

sterling shoote

Audioholic Field Marshall
A leather strap? I hear the synthetic ones help you shoot better- maybe AQ sells something with batteries. :)
It's just a leather 1907 Military Rifle Sling. Mine is made by Turner, 54 inch model. It is better than canvas M1 sling for competition, since it will stretch just enough for a shooter to settle in to natural point of aim with complete muscular relaxation. Turner also makes a synthetic version; but, it has ZERO stretch; meaning a less than completely relaxed position.

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