Can we have a rational discussion about guns and why the typical arguments for gun control and its implementation won't work?



Audioholic Warlord
Most effective? Possibly not, but if someone already has one (or more), why not use it? I have seen videos of pickups with .50 cal machine guns on the roof- that's usually a one shot kill, but again, not everyone wants one or can buy one. At about a dollar per round (on a good day), it's not a cheap way to do it. Magazine capacity and rate of fire help, but they still need to hit a vital spot.
Yeah if you already have one. Just not sure about buying one for that purpose....
.50 cal machine gun. Getting a little excessive, but that's Merica. :p


Audioholic Ninja
How much time do you think they want to spend getting rid of the Hogs? I have to think they need to do other things.

46 Hogs makes little difference when the total is larger.

It's not just the Southern US, either.

Agree, in Fla there are estmitated to be over 1/2 million hogs just in FLA, which is 2nd to TX. Upwards of 9 million wild boar roam 39 states across the US, which is up from an estimated 2 million in 17 states three decades ago. Florida has the oldest hog bloodline. The first pigs to arrive in America were brought by the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto, who landed near present-day Tampa in 1539. They are everywhere, and tear up a lot of farmland, pasture and peoples yards in populated neighborhoods.


Seriously, I have no life.
For sure you’ve got a number of “hunters” that “needs” an assault rifle to spray around bullets that might wound the animal, but don’t hunt it down to kill it if wounded. It’s what you aptly call “fucking idiots”.

Morons like that here either don’t get a hunting license (there are a number of tests to pass, including shooting) or loose it. People like that aren’t real hunters.
I don't like people who can't kill the animal because they can't aim- leaving it to die is something many really don't care about but they justify it in some moronic way. Some hunters call a quick kill 'ethical' and this even includes some people who fish but I have seen videos fish being killed in ways that don't seem very ethical, to me. The guy who left the animals in New Zealand- his wife used to give his cousin a hard time for acting like Don Knotts in 'Shakiest Gun In The West' every time he saw a deer when they'd go hunting and this guy is one of the pinheads who proudly wears the big NRA belt buckle. Ooooh, Great White Hunter.......

If it's not going to be used for food, leave it alone unless it's an invasive specie and it's damaging everything it sees. (that sounds like humans)


Seriously, I have no life.
Yeah if you already have one. Just not sure about buying one for that purpose....
.50 cal machine gun. Getting a little excessive, but that's Merica. :p
I think that if the alternative to not buying an AR is losing a large percentage of an annual crop, AR gets the vote.


Audioholic Warlord
I think that if the alternative to not buying an AR is losing a large percentage of an annual crop, AR gets the vote.
What I was getting at is either the AR is the most practical firearm for crops, or not.


Audioholic Warlord
I don't like people who can't kill the animal because they can't aim- leaving it to die is something many really don't care about but they justify it in some moronic way. Some hunters call a quick kill 'ethical' and this even includes some people who fish but I have seen videos fish being killed in ways that don't seem very ethical, to me. The guy who left the animals in New Zealand- his wife used to give his cousin a hard time for acting like Don Knotts in 'Shakiest Gun In The West' every time he saw a deer when they'd go hunting and this guy is one of the pinheads who proudly wears the big NRA belt buckle. Ooooh, Great White Hunter.......

If it's not going to be used for food, leave it alone unless it's an invasive specie and it's damaging everything it sees. (that sounds like humans)
Squirrel hunting is another really 'dumb' one. I had a kid and caught them doing that. Smack em upside the head.


Audioholic Spartan
Most effective? Possibly not, but if someone already has one (or more), why not use it? I have seen videos of pickups with .50 cal machine guns on the roof- that's usually a one shot kill, but again, not everyone wants one or can buy one. At about a dollar per round (on a good day), it's not a cheap way to do it. Magazine capacity and rate of fire help, but they still need to hit a vital spot.
a dollar a round, LOL, not even close, try 5 bucks per round. hell the brass alone is more than a buck !


Audioholic Spartan
Squirrel hunting is another really 'dumb' one. I had a kid and caught them doing that. Smack em upside the head.
really ?? I'm curious, what in Gods green earth do you know about hunting or firearms ???


Audioholic Warlord
really ?? I'm curious, what in Gods green earth do you know about hunting or firearms ???
Doesn't to know it's dumb. Squirrels have no meat on em, and trophy isn't exactly equal to a pointed buck. Squirrel taxidermy? Hahaha silly at best. Squirrel nut butter? ;) It comes down to sensible hunting. Anything you'd eat really or rodent that's eating your crops. A drunk firing at beer cans makes more sense than a sober kid shooting at squirrels for fun.


Audioholic Warlord
Reminds me of that story I think in California where a tiger shark bit a kid or surfer. They decided to hunt down a bunch of them. So dumb. Like you are in their water. It's the risk you take. Such Neanderthals. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Warlord
Might have gone something like someone's ma couldn't accept it, then accused govt of not caring, so they ended up doing something about it. Hunters said f--k yeah to 10k per head. So stone age-y.

Hopefully I have a lapse in memory on this.


Seriously, I have no life.
Doesn't to know it's dumb. Squirrels have no meat on em, and trophy isn't exactly equal to a pointed buck. Squirrel taxidermy? Hahaha silly at best. Squirrel nut butter? ;) It comes down to sensible hunting. Anything you'd eat really or rodent that's eating your crops. A drunk firing at beer cans makes more sense than a sober kid shooting at squirrels for fun.
No meat but yes, people have hunted them for food.

Have you never talked with a deer hunter who didn't bag a deer? It happens frequently and sometimes, the ones that are allowed by the hunter's tag never show up, but the others do. A hunter can't just shoot any deer that comes along- most states have a quota system and limits.

Seriously? Drunk and firing guns makes sense? That's a whole lotta stupid.


Seriously, I have no life.
Reminds me of that story I think in California where a tiger shark bit a kid or surfer. They decided to hunt down a bunch of them. So dumb. Like you are in their water. It's the risk you take. Such Neanderthals. :rolleyes:
Well, you know they're all in cahoots, right?

Revenge is a strong motivator.

Speaking of revenge, check this crap out-

This is the kind of BS going on here. Total stupidity.


Audioholic Spartan
Doesn't to know it's dumb. Squirrels have no meat on em, and trophy isn't exactly equal to a pointed buck. Squirrel taxidermy? Hahaha silly at best. Squirrel nut butter? ;) It comes down to sensible hunting. Anything you'd eat really or rodent that's eating your crops. A drunk firing at beer cans makes more sense than a sober kid shooting at squirrels for fun.
you and your posts get more dumb by the minute !!! your last sentence just shows why your comments in this thread are utterly ridiculous !!


Audioholic Warlord
No meat but yes, people have hunted them for food.

Have you never talked with a deer hunter who didn't bag a deer? It happens frequently and sometimes, the ones that are allowed by the hunter's tag never show up, but the others do. A hunter can't just shoot any deer that comes along- most states have a quota system and limits.

Seriously? Drunk and firing guns makes sense? That's a whole lotta stupid.
The only time squirrel hunting makes sense is if there is no other large food source (ie survival), or you own an avocado ranch. I've never heard of anyone eating squirrel, and squirrel slippers probably makes more sense. The other 98% is just plain dumb hunters thinking. Shooting them is for the fun of shooting them. There's no purpose beyond that. It's gun righters justifying every single aspect of hunting out of fear their guns will be taken from them.


Audioholic Spartan
The only time squirrel hunting makes sense is if there is no other large food source (ie survival), or you own an avocado ranch. I've never heard of anyone eating squirrel, and squirrel slippers probably makes more sense. The other 98% is just plain dumb hunters thinking. Shooting them is for the fun of shooting them. There's no purpose beyond that. It's gun righters justifying every single aspect of hunting out of fear their guns will be taken from them.
My buddy growing worked on his family's 65 acre camp ground. During the winter months they took in campers for winter storage. Do YOU have any idea the amount of damage a squirrel can do when it gets inside one of them ? Each fall we did our level best to eliminate as many of those 'tree rats' as we could.

As for your last sentence, there's a lot more to gun rights than hunting privileges.

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