I have an anthem str pre amp and amp, good speakers etc. running a node 2i on Ethernet with tidal MQA’s. I have a 40$ optic cable and decided to try the “amazing” audio analysis 1.5 meter digital crystal coax and their chocolate rcas. Since the node streams all ports simultaneous I can flip inputs quickly and not fall victim to short audio memory of my ears and mind. I am hearing zero difference between the three inputs. Nothing after hours of playing all genres and at very loud levels listening to quiet spots, detailed voice sections and instrumentation sections I know by heart. Is there something I am missing or have set up wrong? The node is fairly basic in setup, I’m running fixed volume level. Str is my volume. I am thinking I am returning the $580 of cables I bought and returning to basic good quality cables and realize it’s a marketing game even though they claim all the science and engineering. It’s no different to my ears