I was waiting for TLS Guy to post and tell you some sage piece of advice on 3rd level harmonics and zip ties. Short of that, I have cleaned up a lot of spaghetti messes with a lot of zip ties over the years.
One axiom applies: as soon as you tidy up and zip tie a set of cables, some need will come along that requires disassembling and rewiring the most obscure and hard to handle cable. Every time.
Other than that, I agree with the other posters. No real problems, some theoretical problems with running power cables alongside signal cables. I have never had an issue, but I try to avoid it.
Yesterday I received a new ASUS router for my home. I spent most of the day getting it up to speed from a wifi and network point of view. Today I need to tidy up the cables and all the cable routing. I feel your pain. I have cables all over the floor in my office today. I bought a new package of zip ties