How good are the mack extended warranties, I am looking to buy one before my factory warranty expires.
Depends who you ask. A few have had difficult experiences, but I'm sure that's the norm. When I see the rep(s) at AVS, it seems like they want to do you right.
OTOH, I think there could be a lot of jumping through hoops.
If you do want it, better make sure you have the full length of the factory warranty to actually add the Mack on. For me, it was only one month, which I passed barely, but they were cool and let me have it.
It was only $260 for 6 years on the PJ, 3 years on the bulb, with up to 2 free replacements. Pretty killer deal on the face of it, but believe it or not, if I did it all over again, I'm not sure if I would have got it.
To cash in on my free bulbs, I still have to buy one. Then I send in filled copies of forms. From there, depending on individual experience, I'll be calling, waiting patiently, looking at my bank account weeks later for the refund . . .
People get it done, but is it worth the hassle? I don't know yet, but I might be able to soon tell you as my bulb is reaching 800 hours now. It still looks great, but I'm not sure what I'll immediately do.
But, I think of it like pot-odds in poker. So, what bandphan asked: how much is it, and for how long?
The Mack I bought is the first warranty I ever bought for any AV equipment. In fact, I wonder if it's the first time I bought any warranty period... can't remember...