im not talking 1920x1200 for tv, im talking that for DVDs.
Now, with the blu-ray HD-DVD you guys were talking about, what are we really talking? Higher storage capacity per disk, thus you can have better resolution movies.
They have this crap, storged on computers somewhere at like what someone might call super-duper-ultra-HD probably 3200x1500 resolution. The question is, does this stuff take up 30gb per/sec or what?
So far its been enough storage on media to be commercially available. Computer moniters do heavy duty resolution.
Tvs are getting better, some hitting 1080p this coming year.
Things will continue to increase, resolution will keep getting better.
Eventually there will be no more bottlenecks. Or so much processing power, and storage space it will be irrelevant.
Look for holographic storage (1tb - 1 disk) to take over for blu-ray (i saw blu-ray since it has the best long term chances, with storage @ 200gb @ 16 layers, with HD-DVD topping out at around 60gb in about 10-15 years.
Its all about scaling.
Right now most people are watching analog tv. less than 480i, if its RF antenna its like what ... 100-200 lines.
ED and the brightness of plasma wows most people in a way they've never seen. Most HD is transmitted in 720p, some things in 1080i but even then its not 24/7.
Few people except in japan have seen 1080p.
It will definately take a while.
FCC has mandated by 2006, HD is standard, but that might get pushed back until 2009. As many LCD fabs come online in the next 5 years, watch LCD and OLED prices drop significantly.