Rob Babcock said:
We agree on one thing, Soniceuphoria. No book, free weight or machine will do the work for you. I'd wager 95% of the people who buy home gyms use 'em for 1 month then never get on 'em again.
Anyway, a Hindu pushup is much much harder than simply inclining your pushups. It helps to watch the video, but I have some weightlifter type friends who soundly humiliated themselves trying to do those excercises. Especially the squats- it's amazing how many guys are Charles Atlas from the waist up, but Pee Wee Herman from the waist down!
Steady, dedicated motion is what you need. Do something active every day. For me, CC combined with Atkins diet took over a hundred pounds of flab off my sorry but and has kept it off for a couple years. YMMV.
Ok, thats it.
Rob, Sonic, whip it out, who's is bigger
Atkins? .....Well I don't agree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
I personally don't follow diets made by a fat guy who died from being too fat
This is an aktins scene, ready?
Joe: Hey do you want some potatoes with you dinner?
Billy: Are you crazy?! No way man, I just want the greasy burger and the cheese. Heck, take the bun back.
haha, I should write movies
On a working out related note, I just got back from the gym, but it was a different one, I did a free trial

I must say, makes my other gym look like crap. There is never a time when you can't get on a machine, or bench, or bike. NEVER. Excellent, I can work out again!
Edit: Gene, that back thing really worked, I can barely move
When I'm legal, I'd like to buy you a beer, and then a keg for creating this site