Thanks for the replys. Maybe I should have given some background info before asking for machine advise.
I have been lifitng for 3 years now, and I took coarses and classes at school to learn the exercises and techniques, so I know my way around equipment. As far as goals go, I want to be able to bulk, and tone. I'm at about 17% bodyfat, 5'9" tall, and 250 pounds. Basically, I won't be doing any chin-ups or dips
As far as design, the bowflex is better, because it is not guided. It allows free motion, but I don't know how much resistance it has. I have used ones like that smith one, but they just weren't up to snuff.
One cable machine that I like is the 2 linked tower design. Its great for standing flys, but its HUGE.
I guess for now its the gym, but I will have my own, oh yes, it will be mine.
Thanks alot, and if anyone here has used a bowflex, please, chime in and give use a review?