Black Friday Goodies



Audioholic Ninja
Well gents its finally here:BLACK FRIDAY, so what did you end up buying? Did you really get what you needed or thought you needed:D Post away.


Senior Audioholic
I decided I would NOT go on a black friday spree, considering I just dropped $450 bucks on a 30,000 mile car service :(


Audioholic Field Marshall
The only thing on my shopping list for this weekend are weekend suds to go with the football games I plan to watch. I won't get anywhere near those crowds!! With that said, my wife and 10yr old daughter left the house at 630 this morning:rolleyes:


Been shopping on-line. I ain't going out in that crud!

But just like the Kat said, I just spent a major wad fixing my truck this week.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Help my parents buy a 42" LG Plasma for $899.

Trying to control myself and not order the Rocket speaker package that they are begging me to buy today.:rolleyes: Damn them for offering free shipping. I am trying to stay away from the phone. I need to finish the work on the ht room but I really want those speakers. Help.


Audioholic Spartan
Didn't buy anything for black Friday, but I did upgrade my receiver two days ago! Went from the Yamaha RX-V1600 to the RX-V1800 and couldn't be happier with it.
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
I don't start shopping until the week of Christmas (when the real good deals are).
Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
Picked up a BBQ Chef Offset Smoker. Just got it together. I'll probably break it in this weekend. The sale price was $90 off MSRP. Just couldn't pass that up.


Audioholic Spartan
ohhh... that smoker looks nice. Too bad you are in Fl., I'd love to eat some tasty smoked meat.


Audioholic General
Not a Black Friday deal persay, but I just picked up a Surefire 6P LED flashlight today... bright little son of a *****! :eek: :D:D:D


Audioholic Warlord
I decided I would NOT go on a black friday spree, considering I just dropped $450 bucks on a 30,000 mile car service :(
Can you give me a list of what they did? I work in the service department of a dealership, and I've talked with the techs there. There is many things that don't need to be done that get up sold.

Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I didn't buy anything. I had to work and drive a box truck through the traffic mess that was black Friday. I got off early though so that was a plus.


Audioholic Ninja
AverageJoe and I drove 120 miles r-t to get a $500 Black Friday refund from Costco for my new Panny plasma (purchased last month!). It's oh-so-nice when you GET money on a sale day! :D

I thought for sure Joe would pick something up for his HT...but he showed great restraint. :eek: (Although that new remote weather station is pretty cool, Joe.)


50% off the only electronic device I got - a $15 tuner, discounted because of the $385 mandolin and case I was also getting. Not quite steal of the century...


Senior Audioholic
so what did you end up buying?
Picked up 1 movie for 2.49
And picked up a PS3 package deal (freebies were Spiderman 3, Open Season, and a game NBA 08)
Little strapped for $, so there were a ton of deals I had to pass on.:(


Audioholic Chief
Picked up a set of Onix Rocket RS1000's for $1199 shipped :D Heck, they're 157lbs *each*, so the freight alone would be $300+

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