I share this sentiment with you and always have. I didn't suddenly have an epiphany. One of the first things I asked my sister and her boyfriend was if there were any audio stores around. I would do the same in any city or town. I love, LOVE going out and listening to equipment. I always have.
I can still remember the first time I got a taste of true hifi when a friend and I went to a shop and they had these huge (taller than me) Magnepan speakers, 2 huge monoblock amps and a monstrous looking Klipsch Subwoofer. I was pretty blown away that time too. The sound was so clear. It just seemed to appear out of nowhere. Ethereal. We listened to some other stuff too, but those Magnepans will always be etched in my memory. That's where I bought my B&W speakers (used) for about 5 hundo.
My uncle was the vp of
plasmatronocs. The guy he worked for developed
these speakers. Still considered by some to be the world's best tweeter. Unfortunately Alan didn't have a very good head for business and it never took off, but I think a company or two is experimenting with the technology.
Technically it's almost a perfect speaker. They produce sound by ionizing helium in a plasma field. I got to demo these speakers when I was in my early 20's and they were still trying to figure out to make money on them. They were pretty amazing. I could blow the plasma out and it would stop playing until it reignited. No drivers or moving parts at all. Just needed a tank of helium! Very cool stuff. He had a pair in the reception area of his office/facility too. I always liked going there with my uncle.
I just got back into audio again last year. So far I'm having a blast and there's no sign of me slowing down.
*Edit: I'm just now reading the article I linked (

) and I may have very well listened to the same set that was reviewed. Dr Hill only made so many of them.