Bioshock demo out on PSN



Audioholic Ninja
Considering the majority of AH members that frequent the gaming forum are PS3 owners I am quite surprised nobody has commented on this game since it got released (Oct 21). IMO it is one of the best games the PS3 has to offer up to this point (based on the fact it is identical to xbox 360 version).


Senior Audioholic
Personally I would like to pick it up, but it's low on my "need to buy" list since I played through it twice on my xbox. I will probably pick it up used in a few months for 30 bucks or so. Games that are high on my list are GHWT and LBP, so those will definitely come first.



Full Audioholic
Just bought it yesterday. Haven't even scratched the surface yet. My wife came in during the beginning and it scared the hell out of her. So I think I'm in for a good ride. I'm gonna try not to play through it so fast like I did MGS4. (I loved that game, I wish I had played it slower as to enjoy it longer).


Audioholic Jedi
MGS4 is definitely one that needs to be played more than once because there are SOOO many little things to pick up on, and so many achievements - many of which cannot be done in one playthrough (if you are going for all of them). Even though I have completed it a few times, I still enjoy throwing it in once in a while to pass some time.

I might ask for this one for X-mas, but it isn't on my must own list either. I just picked up Little Big Planet and will be messing with that for a while :D In Dec. my next must buy will be Prince of Persia.

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