Post back and let us know how they handle the difficult keys.. I've been considering a new keyboard as of late
I think they've loosened up a bit. My guess is that is was the o-rings. CS offered me a free UPS return shipping to see what they could find with any defect, but I told them that the keys have improved, and that I'll think it'll work out. I'm not paying so much attention, but the ? and 1 might still be a tad stiffer than B and G, and if true, then "break-in" makes sense as far as how often the keys get hit respectively. Most all but one are on the same row, I mentioned that to them, but never got any feedback on any possible causes.
So, I think I'm good. I recently looked up touch typing (almost out of necessity as I can't really see the letters unless my eyes are sorta hovering over them), home keys, stuff like that, because my own typing technique is haphazard and individualistic. I know my left hand is more efficient than my right, and I think that it's due to peculiar tendencies I have got from playing musical instruments, won't get into it. So anyway, did my first WPM tests ever, and I hit 70 WPM with zero errors, so I'm thinking with a bit of study on efficiency and technique, practice, maybe I could get near professional levels?
Not WASD's fault, as it's the same for all keyboards, but I wish Num Lock didn't default to the light being on; because then otherwise the whole keyboard would be pitch black.
When leaning/reclining back, I can see some of the metal clips that hold the longer keys such as underneath the space bar, and that is a minor aesthetic drawback (I mean, it was expensive, I'm allowed to nitpick.)
If you don't really desire replaceable keycaps, don't care for experimenting with o-ring install mods, and are okay with the looks, the OP's choice in Cooler Master does seem like the wtg for value. IIRC that each individual custom printed keycap was 5 bux, you could have a keyboard starting to approach 1K if you wanted.
I wonder where I can go near me to try out a capacitance keyboard, just to see.