Best Gaming Console



Audioholics Master Chief
As an XBOX 360 owner, I will never buy another Microsoft gaming console again. I and most of my friends and peers have had too many reliability issues with this platform. Also, one particular game I have - Star Trek Legacy, is far too buggy. This is unacceptable from any modern gaming system, let alone one as pricey as this.


Personally, I wouldn't care if Xbox 360 used floppy discs for its media type. Who really cares if the games are currently available on regular DVD or Blu-ray? I think Gears of War looks fantastic!

Yes I understand the future implementations of the current optical media used by microsoft. With technology is moving so fast will the xbox or PS3 really have that long of a shelf life?

One thing no one else has pointed out is how great Xbox live is. It is amazingly easy to use and you can get hd movies and old school video games too boot.

I don't doubt that the PS3 is a technical masterpiece, but w/o the software it doesn't look any better than the Xbox 360 sitting on a shelf.


Full Audioholic
... but w/o the software it doesn't look any better than the Xbox 360 sitting on a shelf.
These days I thought Xbox 360's were stopping doors open or weighing down paper!?!

I must be mistaken..;)


Full Audioholic
The issue and argument that I keep hearing is where PS3 and the 360 will be in two to three years. My point is that it will take PS3 that long to catch up after it's total blunder, and then the next version of the XBOX will already be getting ready for release or at least very close to the release. Oh and to say that final fantasy 20 or is it 30, is just as anticipated as Halo 3 is just a joke! Seriously you can't believe that argument can you? I like Halo okay, but I have to be honest and say that there is no game on any console that is more hyped.

By the way, I am not trying to stir the pot, but just pointing out the facts boys. As I have said before, we all want to feel that the purchases we have made are always the best, but they aren’t always. Both systems are cool it’s just that both of the major companies have swapped roles from their last console releases. I can remember sitting and playing a game of pong just waiting for the PS2 load up between screens, and thinking how much more technically advanced the XBOX was.

What's funny to me is people are "claiming the death" of the PS3 when it is only half a year into it's life. Half a year.

We all know it is harder to program/develop for. We all know it costs a bit more than the Elite (not much more though). We all know you get more for your money in a PS3. We all know it is made better than the 360 (has any video game console been made worse?). We all know the 360's best feature over the PS3 is XBL. What IF PSNetwork works and works well?

Why the rush to claim the PS3 is dead?

All gamers should want two viable, fun, exciting gaming consoles out there competing head-to-head, we will benefit from this "battle".

Could you imagine if the 360 was the ONLY next gen console of choice? Look at how they nickle-and-dime us 360 owners now, imagine how bad Bill & Co. would rape us if they had this monopoly too.


Audioholic Chief

Oh and to say that final fantasy 20 or is it 30, is just as anticipated as Halo 3 is just a joke! Seriously you can't believe that argument can you? I like Halo okay, but I have to be honest and say that there is no game on any console that is more hyped.
Except that the largest gaming market in the world - Japan, which ignores FPS (including Halo3) completely. As a matter of fact they pretty much ignore the Xbox too. Go over there and asked them the most hyped game, they'll tell you Dragon Quest or FF. FF has a substantial audience here too.

In the US there's no game more hyped than Halo 3. The point was, each, in their home market have a very hyped game that will drive sales. Check out the NPD data or Famitsu data and you'll see how different the charts are (but the actual volumes are similar).

By the way, I am not trying to stir the pot, but just pointing out the facts boys. As I have said before, we all want to feel that the purchases we have made are always the best, but they aren’t always.
BTW, i own a 360 and not a PS3.
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Audioholic Chief
As an XBOX 360 owner, I will never buy another Microsoft gaming console again. I and most of my friends and peers have had too many reliability issues with this platform. Also, one particular game I have - Star Trek Legacy, is far too buggy. This is unacceptable from any modern gaming system, let alone one as pricey as this.

Agreed. this is the first console i've ever had i had to replace less than a year into it's lifecycle (my first one wasn't a "launch" console either, i got it in mid '06). The hardware team should never be allowed to design anything ever again.


Audioholic Jedi
I don't doubt that the PS3 is a technical masterpiece, but w/o the software it doesn't look any better than the Xbox 360 sitting on a shelf.
Funny you should say that, since that is EXACTLY what we said about the 360 when it first came out and had no games...


Audioholic Ninja
Everyone is making to much a fuss over this console war just because it started out differently than most. For once the systems are all pretty different.

The wii is underpowered but geared to a whole other demographic: the casual gamer.

The 360 had a huge headstart so developers already know how to do well with it and it has a huge fan and game base (atleast in the states). The 360 also has the great ability to keep your family warm when it burns down your house, or alteast it will keep your room warm when it overheats.

PS3 is more expensive and hasn't sold as well yet, but for some reason analysts seem to think it will win the war, still (articles released this week still pick it as the winner in 2010). It has games coming just like any new console and just like the wii with its load of crappy games out right now. The difference is people can pick a Wii up now and not have felt bad for spending 600 on something that doesn't have a ton of blockbuster games.

Normally all the consoles have come out near eachother or if one came out early most all of its sales were pushed by the fact that it did come out early and nothing else.

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