Electronics Stores Extinct
Many of the electronics stores of yesteryear closed eventually: E.J. Korvette, Lafayette, Sounds Great, The Wiz, Tweeter, Circuit City. There are others that have closed many of their stores, such as Comp USA. The business plan at BB seems to be to sell hardware at a competitive price, and make up for it by selling over-priced accessories from Monster Cable to the uninformed, and near-worthless intangibles, like extended warranties, to the insecure. In November 2011, I bought a MacBook Pro at BB. It was on sale for $60 off list price, because it was an "early" 2011. It was $105 off because it was an "open box" special. And then I was given an additional $100 off without asking for it, although I was just about to ask. When I examined the contents of the "open box", nothing appeared to have been opened or touched except for the seal on the carton. It was pristine, and I walked out with an $1100 laptop for $835.