actually I was referring to "disagree with pro-abortion liberals. Not to mention...disagree with their flawed political positions on every they relate to economics, social issues, and foreign policy."
Many people have opinions from both sides of the political spectrum. Most of us here @ Audioholics know your views buck, and I respect them, you can feel however you want, but believing that anyone with ANY views not extreme right, are 'flag burning lefty liberals' just isn't reality. Just because something isn't extreme right, doesn't make it necessarily left; sweaping everyone not extreme right wing into one big "liberal" category just illustrates a narrow minded are mentality that somehow has become incorporated into the reputation of the republican party, something I'm very disappointed in. I'm right wing on most all economic (welfare...

) and military issues, but I'm moderate/left on many social issues. As a physician, I will never ever perform an abortion, but I don't want to ban a woman's decision on abortion. Does that make me have "flawed political positions on every they relate to economics, social issues, and foreign policy." My point is, one can't logically ignore the middle ground or disregard it as part of the left or right simply because it doesn't conform to every aspect of one extreme end of the political spectrum.
Here's hoping for a more middle ground future, that's probably nieve!