Congrats Warp,
Nice ride.
I'd heard the Harley thing had really messed up the traffic down there. Maybe by tomorrow you'll be able to open it up a bit.
Yeah... I have had plenty of time to open her up out in the sticks...
I live about 20 miles north of the city, and let me tell you this weekend was just plain stupid... Way too much traffic, I had no intentions of going down there to get myself killed on my bike, or get my car messed up.

It was insanity... Every area North, South, West of Milwaukee was cashin in on the 105th drama... Glad I stayed home.
Greg Gable will love this
My buddy decided to take part of all this.... -- He's got the Iron Horse Slammer, had it parked.... some bit@h decided to back into it and knocked it over... $5k damage... she had harley boys all over her $hit right quick... wanted me to join him... could have been my bike rolled over, glad I stayed home...