Bad day to be a terrorist



Seriously, I have no life.
It's not that simple.
They were still in a terrible position after WWI- Hitler promised prosperity, among other things. Why would they not want him, rather than the Kaiser, who got them into that position? Hitler was a failed soldier, his broken mind caused him to need to be seen as much more than he was and he was charismatic enough to get people to go along. Hatred of the Jews is 2000 years old and with German/Polish relatives who were born between 1900 and the late-1920s, I heard plenty about that. One uncle was talking about someone and then added -" of my favorites, a Jew". I decided that didn't seem to be the appropriate time to mention my Jewish girlfriend. I had always heard that my grandfather's family didn't speak with him after he married my grandmother and as he was originally from one of the most strongly Catholic cities in Poland, our guess has been that she had Jewish ancestry. One of my cousins had her DNA tested and came back with enough Ashkenazi to show that our GM was, in fact, Jewish. That religious-based hatred of a parent makes absolutely no sense, to me. They were all devout Christians and I heard a lot of comments through the decades that told me some of them were hypocrites.

That doesn't mean some of them didn't fight or contribute during WWII, but it definitely took the shine off of some of them, for me.


Audioholic Spartan
And now we see what religion has brought the world. :eek:
>>>Religion is a by-product of fear. For much of human history it may have been a necessary evil, but why was it more evil than necessary? Isn’t killing people in the name of god a pretty good definition of insanity?<<<



Israel is willing to have peace with surrounding countries, but I don't think they - well, Netanyahu's government anyway - is interested in peace with the Palestinians. They'd prefer regular dustups with Hamas to a united West Bank and Gaza.
I would encourage you to go perform a bit of due diligence wrt the Camp David and Oslo Accords and then come back and make your above statement.

Israel demonstrated time and time again that they will give up notions of ancestral claims on 'homelands' in exchange for official recognition (both simply to 'exist' on planet Earth, and as a nation), and peace.

They legit had right to claim the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula and simply keep it. They didn't. They've made other concessions to the Palestinians but if Arafat was to say yes his own contingent would have drug him through the streets.

Palestinians could have had peace 70 years ago.


Audioholic Warlord
The stupid thing is that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Abrahamic religions, with far too much in common to claim that they aren't but just like siblings, they can disagree ALL THE EFFING TIME.
Narcissism of small differences - Wikipedia
You're right- Muslims didn't always fight for revenge- at first, they were the aggressors with "Join, or die" with some being allowed to live, but suffering heavy taxation. They deny details in the other two because they say their interpretations are incorrect, even though Muhammad wasn't born until more than 500 years after Christ and a couple of hundred years after the New Testament.

How many need to die in the name of religion?

Christianity teaches that Jesus was 'King of the Jews'. A bit ironic, I think, that they found so many reasons to hate Jews as much as they have. I was raised Catholic but haven't practiced in more than 50 years- I can't align myself with the BS they caused/created and perpetuate. Shiites and Sunni Muslims fight to the death, Jews, Muslims and Christians do the same and many are actually related, but hatred is stronger than blood.
It may have been an isolated place and period, but the Jews in Spain appear to have prospered under the Moors.
History of the Jews in Spain - Wikipedia


And, keeping Palestinians in purgatory is unacceptable. I certainly don't have the answer, but the status quo is untenable.
Uh, the Palestinians are the ones that made sure the current state of affairs is the status quo. How can you be putting this on Israel. They've said yes to almost every good faith, externally brokered, effort.


The stupid thing is that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Abrahamic religions, with far too much in common to claim that they aren't but just like siblings, they can disagree ALL THE EFFING TIME.

You're right- Muslims didn't always fight for revenge- at first, they were the aggressors with "Join, or die" with some being allowed to live, but suffering heavy taxation. They deny details in the other two because they say their interpretations are incorrect, even though Muhammad wasn't born until more than 500 years after Christ and a couple of hundred years after the New Testament.

How many need to die in the name of religion?

Christianity teaches that Jesus was 'King of the Jews'. A bit ironic, I think, that they found so many reasons to hate Jews as much as they have. I was raised Catholic but haven't practiced in more than 50 years- I can't align myself with the BS they caused/created and perpetuate. Shiites and Sunni Muslims fight to the death, Jews, Muslims and Christians do the same and many are actually related, but hatred is stronger than blood.
This is overly simplistic. There is a large tribal nature to this. The Lebanese civil war had Christians and Muslims in alliance vs other Christiana and Muslims. You had the Druse, Alawites, Phalangist, Shiite, Sunni, Maronites, the list goes on. All with intertwined tribal loyalties.

One of the telling examples for the Arab League loss in 1948 was that, I think I have the countries correct, Syria would go and intercept arms shipments going to it's ally Lebanon. Even then they were at odds with each other.


Audioholic Spartan
Uh, the Palestinians are the ones that made sure the current state of affairs is the status quo. How can you be putting this on Israel. They've said yes to almost every good faith, externally brokered, effort.
This is overly simplistic.


This is overly simplistic.

Oslo Accords:

TLDR; Israel slows down the settlements, PLO ramps up attacks. Both parties muffed this up. Israel was clearly a more willing partner.


Audioholic Warlord
I would encourage you to go perform a bit of due diligence wrt the Camp David and Oslo Accords and then come back and make your above statement.

Israel demonstrated time and time again that they will give up notions of ancestral claims on 'homelands' in exchange for official recognition (both simply to 'exist' on planet Earth, and as a nation), and peace.

They legit had right to claim the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula and simply keep it. They didn't. They've made other concessions to the Palestinians but if Arafat was to say yes his own contingent would have drug him through the streets.

Palestinians could have had peace 70 years ago.
The Camp David and Oslo Accords are well behind us now. I don't believe either would have happened under Netanyahu. There was a window of opportunity to see real peace vis a vis Israel/Palestine. That just isn't in the cards now, or the foreseeable future.

As for whether Israel "legit had right to claim the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula and simply keep it", that doesn't stand on firm legal soil. While Egypt carries some responsibility for the start of the Six-Day War, Israel was the aggressor.
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
Possession by Right of Conquest hasn't been a "thing" legally, since the 2nd World War. That said, it made for a handy bargaining chip to get a peace treaty with Egypt.
Right of conquest - Wikipedia


The Camp David and Oslo Accords are well behind us now. I don't believe either would have happened under Netanyahu. There was a window of opportunity to see real peace vis a vis Israel/Palestine. That just isn't in the cards now, or the foreseeable future.

As for whether Israel "legit had right to claim the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula and simply keep it", that doesn't stand on firm legal soil. While Egypt carries some responsibility for the start of the Six-Day War, Israel was the aggressor.
Six-Day War - Wikipedia
Possession by Right of Conquest hasn't been a "thing" legally, since the 2nd World War. That said, it made for a handy bargaining chip to get a peace treaty with Egypt.
Right of conquest - Wikipedia
Egypt/Syria was clearly ramping up for another attack. Yes Israel robbed them of initiative just like they have robbed Hezbollah currently. Very asymmetric.


Audioholic Spartan

Oslo Accords:

TLDR; Israel slows down the settlements, PLO ramps up attacks. Both parties muffed this up. Israel was clearly a more willing partner.
Is that TLDR; a note to yourself you forgot to remove?


Audioholic Spartan
It looks as if this was a prelude to a much larger operation, as I suspected.

Today the Israelis sent low flying fighters making sonic booms during the Hezbollah leader's address while some funerals were taking place. They also bombed at least one target in Beirut. They have hit multiple targets in southern Lebanon. So, it does look as if this is a softening up for an incursion into Southern Lebanon at the very least.

This is a dangerous situation given the the chance of a wider regional conflict is now a very high risk. All this will depend on the stance Iran takes, who are the suppliers and backers of Hezbollah and the Houthis.
This is all with the backdrop of the Russian Ukrainian War. I have to say I have grave concerns about the trajectory.

Lebanon is a tragedy. It is, or was, a beautiful country. Muslims and Christians lived side by side for centuries, until the civil war of 1975 to 1990. The Christians pretty much left. Beirut was a beautiful city, but due to that war and the explosion of a large warehouse full of ammonium nitrate in a warehouse in the port of Beirut in 2020, it is a far cry from what it was.

I just don't like the feel of things right now.
One report (i.e. anecdotal aka no none knows) is that the pager and walkie-talkie attacks made the top leadership of Hezbollah have a meeting in person, and that leadership meeting was the target and killing some of them. If true that is another major Israeli intelligence feat.


Audioholic Jedi
Today was certainly a bad day to be the military leader of Hezbollah, as he is now facing his "half day out with the undertaker," following a targeted Israeli air strike today.


Full Audioholic
All I know is Israel has made peace with Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia.
Sorry jinjuku; I don't want to be picky but Saudi Arabia is not one of them so to be absolutely sure I looked it up.

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Seriously, I have no life.
Narcissism of small differences - Wikipedia

It may have been an isolated place and period, but the Jews in Spain appear to have prospered under the Moors.
History of the Jews in Spain - Wikipedia
I'm not saying that everything was bad but they have tended to take religious sites that were used by others as a pattern. Jerusalem, Hagia Sophia are just two major examples.

That isolated place was the area where Islam began- Islam has experienced major changes.

Spain is definitely one place where Islam control was less violent and the Moors could be more tolerant but if you remember the Barbary Pirates, that wasn't usually the case-


Audioholic Overlord
He promised only on day one!
Of course!
I just wanted to make certain because as a project manager, my spider senses are telling me his day one dance card is full, about 7 times over.
Ending two wars, fixing consumer pricing, fixing health care, making all the women happy, persecuting his enemies, firing everybody in government offices not swearing fealty to him… oh yes, and burning the entirety of the house down to spite the carpet, and being a dictator.
How’s he gonna get his golf in that day?


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