Hey everyone, so I'm back in the market for a new subwoofer at the moment but I have lost track of what is good out there for the price.
To give you an Idea of how long its been since i've purchased a subwoofer I'm rockin an old Tivoli Design 8inch. I'll post pictures as soon as it lets me (newbie here!!

I'm looking for something that that will suit my music to movie ratio of 50:50, reach those low 20s.
What I have seen so far (and like) is kilpsch sw-110, BIC pl-200 (have never really heard much about them) Emp 10i or 1010i. as for anything else I'm just clueless. Pretty overwhelming coming back to it all now haha.
I would honestly prefer something ported, a surround made of rubber, and something that plays loud and true.
I guess with getting all that out there what are your guys opinion? Also would buying used be a bad thing? I usually take a lot into consideration when buying used so I know i'm not getting the reach around.
Will you please point me in the right direction? Thanks!