No worries
If it weren't for patient people on these forums I wouldn't know anything at all
I have to say, I went from a Marantz 5006, to an Onkyo 3009, then added an Oppo 95. Now these are all things that are extremely capable audio processors. My own personal take is that the Marantz delivered the best sound out of the two receivers. I'm not unhappy with the sound of the Onkyo, but I'm not overly fond of it compared to Marantz. I just found the Marantz to be a bit warmer and smoother. Now comparing the Marantz and the Onkyo to the Oppo, and I can honestly say I really liked the Oppo. Much more like the Marantz sound.
Now all that was for music, I'm not claiming huge differences, but notcible to me at least. For movies, I thought I preferred the Oppo, but after doing a lot of experimenting I'm less convinced that the Oppo sound is that much better than the Onkyo, for movies at least.
All this rambling is simply to convey that firstly, I think the Denon you have is one of the better units out there for sure and secondly that perceived differences between units can have a lot to do with reputation and what you read on the forums. I think in a blind test I'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between the three. As long as whatever unit you're using is competently designed I fall into the camp that I don't think the differences are as exaggerated as some people might have you believe.