@PENG , thanks for the comments . Sorry if my labeling confused you. I was in a bit of a rush and did it a bit "bass ackwards".
Upon review, I didn't include any Subs only sweeps which was a major faux pas. I also noticed the vertical scaling is just the default, which when combined with the 1/12th smoothing makes the graphs look pretty good. Actually I was amazed how well some of them looked with just Audyssey's tweaking after I shifted the Subs slightly (as per my posts above).
I also noticed I somehow (must be the operator!

) cut off the upper end of the graphs I posted, which also contributed to making the overall graphs look flatter. Just for grins I just created this one (using the defaults from the camera button) and got this out to 20kHz:
View attachment 55263
I have no idea as to why all of the previous graphs cut off at a bit less than 10KHz. I'm pretty sure the roll off is due to a bit of excessive toe in of the L&R CCB-8s as the center (an identical CCB-8 just rotated on it's side) doesn't roll off like the toed in L&R.
View attachment 55264
It's a bit "lumpy" at the upper end which may be due to reflections (?) off the stand it sits on combined with the arbitrary wedges (unused phase plugs from the CCB-8s

) I shoved under it to angle it upwards towards the listener.
So I see a few potential physical tweaks and adjustments before getting into software. I was hoping to keep this simple (KISS Principle if possible) and use the tools at hand (without Ratbuddyssey for now) and get it to the best I can. (I haven't even tweaked the App since I bought it and got my iPhone setup with a Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard)
And if I deem that result good enough, I may stop there. But more probably I'll grab Ratbuddyssey and see where it goes from there.

By the way, to date my reading on Ratbuddyssey seems to indicate the author doesn't own any gear that can use/test the program anymore. He hired a Russian man to do some coding on it for him. There was something he posted on social media (I don't go there) that got him in some hot water (I don't know any details) but I'm uncertain he's continuing to support Ratbuddyssey any further. There was also some talk he was looking to "merge" it with a version another gent had done some improvement / development work on. (Again no details that I've found so far.)
I still haven't sorted why when using REW with an L+R output the Center goes off. I guess I really don't need to understand why but I do like to understand things. Hopefully I'll get more familiar with REW and figure things out. It seems vastly more capable than I'll be using. I hoped it had a function to do a sweep of all Bed level speakers so you'd have an overall graph.
Please advise if you see anything I should be doing to improve this system. Thanks for the advise and support to date.