Great time at SOTU
Hello all,
My wife and I had a great time, it really went by so fast!
There wasn't enough time to meet everyone; and those we did, were all interesting to talk with.
Thanks to Gene and Bertica for hosting SOTU, and to everyone that worked the event.
Your efforts really showed, nice job! My wife enjoyed it as much as I did.
Finally having the chance to match a real person to a screen name was interesting:
It is true, the Major can handle a light saber, a camera, and a drink, all at the same time.
TLS Guy won, for Best Male Costume; and has the trophy to prove it.
My wife bid on, and won the Emotiva XPA-2
Wayde Robson enjoys a good micro-brew as much as I do.
I'm pretty sure Loser wife cut into the Ben & Jerry's line; right in front of me, and two little kids.
Thanks, we had a really good time, and hello to all the members we've met.