Bringing the whole gang with me, all 5 of us! (Wife and 3 kids) Registered as early as I saw that this was going on.

Originaly it was only going to be me going, but thanks to the Kids Halloween Party, (and my wifes excitment at wearing a costume herself) she was dead set on going! Even got my parents from Illinios to come! Gonna hang with dad and introduce him to where all of his retirement is going to go
Really looking forward to all of the events and SWAG! Making the drive from North Carolina so I will have plenty of room to bring home everything I can possibly carry! The kids and wife might just have to fly back!

The word "free swag" in the world of AV doesn't come around to often, so I am all over this!
Looking forward to meeting my fellow Audioholics...
Oh yeah... We are also visiting some other family down there, but they might not get too much of my time for some reason...