A reasonable person will not look down on others but I can assure you that if one doesn't exhibit good writing and speaking skills in an interview he/she will be passed over for the job.
Hi mds.
I am in the position of giving interviews & hiring people & i assure this is not the case at all,i agree about speaking skills but spelling skills are worthless in most professions in this day & age,spell check has done for spelling what the calculator did for mathematics.Take my case for an example,i cant spell worth a damm but i have a high paying job that has me in charge of millions upon millions of corporate dollars every month & believe me spelling had nothing do do with why i was promoted over highly educated people,also when my reports hit the corporate office they are as professional looking & spelled as well as anybody elses who can spell perfectly thanks to spell check programs.
My requirements for hiring a person are based on the hands on skills they can demonstrate & their ability at problem solving in real time conditions,i only briefly glance at a prospects resume then i want to see how this person reacts to tasks i give them & how they solve problems that can have more than one outcome.
After hiring & firing men for over 15 years now ive learned to look right past things like being impressed with a persons dress,spelling,color,hair,breath ect & focus on their hands on skills that pertain to the job in question .
Im not saying that there are not recruiters who focus on spelling but i am saying that there are just as many recruiters who look past spelling & focus on things like problem solving & common sense,i am one of the latter.