Well, congrats on the distinction, even if ya couldn't get the press.. Yah, if someone gets the nobel on something I made, I also will be a very small pimple on the backside...
1. Shoulda had a superconducting magnet..once you cool the persistance switch, it requires zero external power to maintain the field..then, it's all fridge losses and water drop.
2. If the external field of the MHD was that strong, you obviously needed some of the guys I work with. They'da designed the external field to be under half a gauss. It's all in a day's work for them..
3. Guess the cesium was to ionize? Or, did it somehow suppress hydrolysis?.
4. Yah, but at least the nose gear was probably pointing in the right direction..
Some of the stuff we work with is so cool, isn't it?
Cheers, John